Chapter 6

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*The next morning*

Octavia's POV

I came home from Lincoln's lake house sooner this morning because when Clarke called me last night, crying and sobbing, I was really worried. I don't know why yet, but I'm pretty sure she's going to tell me.
The house was silent so she was probably sleeping. And since Bellamy wasn't here because we were Friday night last night I figured I should wake her up like Bellamy does. I know that even though she act like she hates it when he wakes her up, she actually like when her best friends wake her up.
I walk to her room without making a sound. I was suprise to find her door slightly open when I arrived in front of it. She usually NEVER sleeps with the door open. I opened it a little bit more and what I saw was mind blowing... and very cute.
Bellamy and Clarke were cuddling in her bed. I was relieve when I saw that they were both fully clothe.
His arms were around her waist and her head was on his chest. They were both sleeping peacefully and I took that opportunity to take a picture.
I close her door and enter my room.
I went directly on instagram to post the picture. I know they're going to hate me, but it's just to tease them and also to make them realise how much they would be cute together... even though Clarke is with Finn. Anyways I don't think they're going to be together for long because every time Clarke hugs Bell or even talk to him, I can see in Finn's face that he's jealous.
I tagged both Bell and Clarke and wrote in comment: 'Goals!!!❤'.
I post the picture, feeling proud of myself.
I turn off my phone and go back to sleep because I didn't sleep that much last night.

Clarke's POV

I woke up to a notification from a phone, but not mine. I wonder who's phone it was until I remember the events of last night. Finn asking me to choose between him and Bellamy, me braking up with Finn, Bellamy comforting me, falling asleep in his arms. I smile at the thought of sleeping in his arms. I always fall asleep in his arms after he comfort me.
I think the notification wake up Bellamy too because I hear a slight groan coming from him.
I look up at him to see his eyes still close.
"Are you feeling better?" He ask with a sleepy voice.
"Yeah. I'm still a little upset, but I feel pretty great for someone who just broke up with her boyfriend."
"Bell you received a notification."
"Can you look at it for me?" I sigh. Really?
"Where is your phone?"
"In the left pocket."
I took his phone out turn on the screen.
"What's your pass word?" He chuckle.
"What? Your pass word is princess."
"Why not?" I roll my eyes.
I unlock his phone and see that it's from Octavia on instagram. I open instagram and click on the notification and a picture of two people cuddling in a bed appear and she commented: 'Goals!!!❤'.
At first I didn't recognize who it was, but then I see that she tagged me and Bellamy on the picture and I realize that it is my room.
"She is so dead!" I say under my breath, but loud enough because Bellamy heard it.
"Who's dead?"
I show him the instagram picture and that seems to wake him up.
He got up and rush out the room, taking his phone from my hands.
God she is so dead!

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