Chapter 23

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Bellamy's POV

I am the biggest idiot in the universe.
I could've kissed her at this moment.
The moment was perfect. We were dancing together and we were close. I could've just kissed her right then and tell her my feelings for her.
I'm such an idiot.
"Knock knock." I look up to my door to see Octavia.
"Hey." She closes the door and sit on my bed.
"Were you about to kissed her?"
"When Lincoln and I arrived."
"I wanted to, but I didn't find the courage."
"Oh brother. You need to tell her. You're just hurting yourself."
"Maybe it's better that way."
"No. No its not. When she'll have a boyfriend you're gonna be hurt. When she'll get married you're gonna be hurt. And you know why? Because you're not gonna be that boy."
"O it's not that easy ok? It's not like I was in love with a girl I barely know or like you and Lincoln for example. She's my best friend. I'm in love with my best friend!"
"Whatever. Do what you want. But I'm telling you, you're hurting yourself." She walks out the door.
"I'm such an idiot!"

Clarke's POV

I was walking to the bathroom when I heard O and Bell talk.
"Oh brother. You need to tell her. You're just hurting yourself." Tell what to who?
"Maybe it's better that way."
"No. No its not. When she'll have a boyfriend you're gonna be hurt. When she'll get married you're gonna be hurt. And you know why? Because you're not gonna be that boy." What are they talking about?
"O it's not that easy ok? It's not like I was in love with a girl I barely know or like you and Lincoln for example. She's my best friend. I'm in love with my best friend!"
My heart stopped. He's in love with me. How could he not tell me something important like that. I heard footsteps so I ran in my room before anyone could see me.
Bellamy is in love with me.

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