Chapter 3

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*1 week later*

Clarke POV

Friday finally! The week went on pretty slow and I really couldn't wait to be Friday because Finn wanted to do something with me.
I told him I would arrive to his house at six because I wanted to change clothes. I put my white dress with red flowers that stop to my knees because it's Finn's favorite. I was putting some mascara when Bellamy enters my room.
"Hey Princess I just wanted to tell you tha- wow you look beautiful!" He smirk at me while looking me up and down.
"Thanks! I'm going to see Finn."
"Yeah! I figured!"
"So what did you want to tell me?"
"Hum... yeah! I'm going to a girl's house tonight so I won't be there until probably tomorrow."
"And I want to have sex with her so you and O are better not to call me ok?"
"First I didn't want to know. Second don't worry I won't call you I'll be with Finn."
"Ok... so while I'm here do you want me to take you to Finn's house?"
"Ok I'll wait in the car."
He got out of my room and went to his car.

*Finn's house*
"Alright Princess! Have a good night!"
"Thanks! And you too... even if it's not different than your other Friday night."
"Just get out I'm gonna be late!"
I walked to the door and I don't even need to knock because Finn has already open the door.
"Hey beautiful!"
"Hey Finn!" I close the gap between us, putting my lips on his and kissing him passionately.
He pull back, smiling.
"You want to enter?"
"I don't know. Do you want me to enter?"
"Of course!"
We went inside and he lead me to his room. I once again closed the gap between us and put my hands at the edge of his shirt. He just put his hands around my waist and lower them to my butt. I was about to lift his shirt when he stopped me.
"Clarke wait!"
"What's wrong I thought you liked it the first time."
"I did! But I didn't made you come here for that."
"Ok. What do you want to do then?"
"I need to talk to you about something." Wow! He just made the mood change from happy to worry.
"Ok? Talk about what?"
"Bellamy." Bellamy? Why does he want to talk about Bellamy? "I know he is your best friend and everything, but the fact that you live with him and that everyone think you are together I just worry all the time." WHAT???
"So you don't trust me!"
"No! I don't trust him!"
"It doesn't change anything that you don't trust him ok? And if you remember I live with Octavia too!" I was starting to get angry.
"I know you live with Octavia too, but she's not always there and you don't know what he can do to you. I mean look at all these girls-"
"WHAT? You really think Bellamy would do that to me! He's my best friend!"
"I know Clarke, but I wanted you to take a decision."
"What?" I snapped at him.
"Me or him?"
"Are you asking me to choose between you and my best friend?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend an-"
"EX-boyfriend!" I could feel tears in my eyes and if I wasn't that angry I would collapse in tears.
"What your choosing him." He said him with disgust and it just made me even more angry. I slapped him.
"YES BECAUSE HE WOULD NEVER ASK ME TO CHOOSE!" I ran out of his house and run as fast as I could not caring about him screaming my name.

Best Friends (Bellarke)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ