chapter 5

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I awoke to darkness.  I was naked and there was Alan. The memories of last night came flooding back to me. "Oh yeah" I mumbled to myself

He looked peaceful and happy.  My phone said it was 4 a.m. Why the fuck was I always waking up so early. A noise came from Alan.



"Hmmm what time is it?"


"Why are you up?"

"It's a habit"

"Oh. I had fun last night" He mumbled

"Me too" I replied.  I couldn't help but blush.  I bit my lip softly.

"I'd like to bite that lip" 

A million butterflies went through my stomach. Fuck he was amazing.  He sat up and kissed me softly on the lips.  "I really like you Kaya"

"I like you too" I said

He smiled widely.  I swooned; his smile was beautiful.  We walked down the stairs both still naked but wrapped in a blanket. We sat on the couch just kissing. With us still being naked I sat on his lap and let him sink into me. He let out a deep moan "Fuck!" he said. I grinded harder and harder. I felt alive; it's been forever since I've felt that way.

After round 2 left and left me with my thoughts.  What the hell was I doing with myself.... I was so lost.  This kid was leaving in 2 weeks; why the fuck was I getting attatched to him?

everything that kills me ~Alan Ashby and Kaya Scondelario fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now