chapter 4

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It had been three days since I talked to Alan. I mean he was hot and all but I wasn't putting myself out there to be played again; fuck that.  I preferred being alone most of the time.  It's like everywhere I go I see humans but no humanity.  I swear being fucked up in the head makes you realize how much bullshit there is in life.  

I hated being so depressed all the time though.  I needed someone because sometimes I would break down and cry myself to sleep at night.  Ever since I dumped Logan because he cheated on me it made me not even want to be with anyone ever and to not let anyone in because all they will do is screw you over.

It was almost 9 and I was having a rough night; I figured a little bit of company wouldn't hurt. So I texted Alan and asked him if he wanted to come over.  There was something about him that I liked; I had to admit it no matter how much I didn't want to.  

There was a knocking on my door about 45 minutes later.  I opened it. "Hi gorgeous" I blushed at his greeting. What the fuck was I getting myself into.  

"Hi" I replied with a small smile.

"How have you been" He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Good; I guess. A little rough"

"And why is that"

"I don't know I've been depressed for acouple of years and after my ex cheated on me a while back I just have really shitty days where I hate everyone pretty much"

"Yeah I used to get like that also; It'll pass after a while"

His words kind've comforted me a little.  Usually nothing helps keep me sane.  Not only that but I'm usually a bitch, with him I felt comfortable.

I ordered takeout and we watched a couple of films while drinking whine.  We sat there for about an hour not saying anything and just watching the film; we were both a little tipsy.  He finally broke the silence.



"Is it bad that I really want to kiss you again?"

"" I got so many butterflies

With that he leaned in and grabbed me gently by the waist to pull me closer.  My breathing quickened.  I felt his soft curls brush past my face.  His nose rubbed gently across mine.  His lips lingered before he pushed his lips to meet mine. It was amazing.  His tongue lightly poked at my lip.  I oped my mouth wider allowing his tongue to massage mine.  Fuck it felt good.  HIs hands started making their way up the back of my shirt. I let out a little moan; I could feel him smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started tugging lightly at his curls as our make out session quickened.

He stood up; braking the kiss. He smiled down at me.  I couldn't help but smile back.  The kiss was so good. 

"You have really soft lips" He chuckled

I laughed a little bit "Thanks" I blushed.

"So um what do you want to do" I shrugged.

"You wanna take it to the bedroom?" I asked. His eyes got big

"Y...yeah if you want to" 

I stood up and grabbed his hand leading him up the stairs. What was I getting myself into?

everything that kills me ~Alan Ashby and Kaya Scondelario fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now