chapter 3

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I woke up to darkness. I couldn't see anything but I could feel. Someone's arms were wrapped around me and our legs intertwined. I felt around for my phone. Once i found it I checked the time. 5 a.m.! what the hell was I doing awake; wait more importantly who was cuddling with me I put my phone up so the light would show who it was. It was Alan from last night. My eyes opened wide; I felt around ok good we didn't have sex. WIth that I pulled the duvet up to my chin and went back to snuggling in Alan's chest.

I awoke once again; this time the room was lit with sunlight.  Alan wasn't by my side anymore though.  I heard water running in the bathroom next to the side of the bed that he slept on. I took in my surroundings. Was I in a hotel?

About 5 mintutes later Alan walked out of the bathroom. He had a towel hanging perfectly on his hips and his tattoos were glistening from the little drops of water on them. He looked at me and smiled. "Did you sleep well"

"Yeah, I guess" I replied with a little bit of sleep still in my voice

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" He asked sweetly.  Damn his voice was hot.  I nodded. He went into the walk in closet and came out in a pair of sweat pants.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"You could have just brought me home. You know?" 

"Yeah I figured that but you passed out before I could even ask you" He responded with a smile

I blushed "Oh sorry"

"Don't be; I didn't mind at all" He walked over to the cabinet. " You like poptarts" he chuckled

"Yeah" He handed it to me

I nibbled on it while he played temple run. Once I finished my poptart we got in the car so he could drive me to my apartment. 

Once we pulled in he got out and walked up to my door with me; he handed me his number. I said bye and I was about to turn around but then he kissed me. 

"what was that for" I said softly

"I don't know you kissed me last night when I laid in bed next to you; I figured I'd kissyou bye. Should I have not?" He asked

"No it's fine" I replied still blushing.

"K good" You should text me soon so we can make plans ok?

"k" and with that he smiled and walked back to his car.

everything that kills me ~Alan Ashby and Kaya Scondelario fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now