Chapter 14

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I woke up to Finley's hand in my face. And her head was on my stomach. Wow that girl is a heavy sleeper.

I didn't want to get dressed so I just stayed in my pajamas. (Jessica on left. Finley on right.) It was chilly this morning so I put on my uggs and made a fire. 20 minutes later Jake and Fin woke up and joined me around the fire. We decided to take pictures for our memory wall.

"Good morning Jessica." Matt said in his morning voice.

"Good morning Matt. How did you sleep." I greeted Matt.

"Good. You?"

"Good. Except I woke up to this girl halfway on me." I said pointing to Finley.

"Hey! You're welcome." Fin said pointing a spoon at me. I totally forgot that we brought cereal.

"Hey Jess go wake up the rest of the boys." Matt told me so I did.

I snuck into their tent and silently counted to 3 and attacked them by jumping on them.

"Oww!! JESS GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF OF ME!!" Zac yelled at me.

"Oh yeah. At least I don't look at my ass 24/7 even though I have a girlfriend." I sassed Zac back.

"I look at her ass too." Zac defended himself.

"Whatever. Matt wants you guys up. Like now." I said with a straight face because David when he just wakes up is really funny looking.

The whole day consisted of sitting by the fire roasting s'mores and sleeping. We are one lazy bunch.

Finley brought out her selfie stick and took a group photo of us all sitting together and roasting marshmallows for s'mores. I love these silly people. They bring out the best and silly in me. I hope we stay together even after high school. I think that will be easy considering we have been best friends since we were in 2nd grade.

"So Fin. Tell us. How did you and Jess react when your parents said they were getting married?" David asked.

"Yeah. It's so weird that your dad and Jess's mom got married Fin." Jet added.

"We were really happy. We screamed and jumped up and down like the whole day. It's not everyday when you parents tell you that yours and your best friends dream of being sisters is going to come true." Fin said looking at me smiling.

"Yeah. I've always wanted to have a sister and now that I do I'm so happy especially since she's my best friend." I added smiling back a Finley.

Jake looked at his phone and said it was getting late. So I looked at my phone.

"Yikes. 2:45 am. Yeah it's time for beddy by." I said in my baby voice.

Fin and I went in our tent and instantly fell asleep. Today was amazing even though it was spent doing nothing.

Hey guys! So how did you like this chapter? I decided to tell you guys Jess and Fin became sisters. Yay!!! Okay bye bye!!!

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