Chapter 5

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I was just sitting in my room on my laptop doing absolutely nothing but righting my paper for English class. When I got a Twitter notification. (Jessica's room in media box)

'Brooklyn Beckham spotted with Jessica Carson in Times Square late last night.'

Oh no. They used my name. How did they find out my name? I'm going to die. They know where I live.

"MOM!!!!" I screamed.

"Jess, we saw the article. It's okay. We will be okay. I promise." My mother said trying to sooth me.

I called Brooklyn and told him to come over ASAP. It took him 30 seconds to get here. Wow that fast.

"Jess what's wrong. Did you read the article about us? I'm so sorry."

"Yeah I read it but that's not why I called you here. I need to tell you something."

"Okay. Go."

"My mom is a FBI agent. Her name is Jennifer Carson. She works with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. BAU for short. A few months ago my mom and her team caught this guy and he said that that wasn't the last of him. We would see him again. He is going to send men out to hunt us down and kill us." I paused to catch my breath. "I've been getting anonymous texts saying that they are going to kill me and they are going to find me." My mom walked in and rubbed my back.

"Hi I'm Jennifer. You must be Brooklyn." Leave it to my mom to make a bad situation lighter.

"Wow. Now I know where Jessica gets her beautiful looks from."

"Hey that's my wife. I'm William Carson. You can call me Will." Brooklyn shook my dads hand.

"So isn't it a good thing that the guys trying to kill you know where you guys live. You know so that way it makes it easier to catch them and lock them up?" Wow Brooklyn is really smart.

"Yeah that is a good idea."

"Yeah I'll call Hotch and tell him to meet us here." And with that my parents left.

Brooklyn helped me finish my English paper then he kissed me good night since its 9:30 and its a school night. Ugh stupid school. I hope the killers go there so that way school is closed for a while. Maybe I can get out of school forever for having PTSD. Ugh I only hope.

So how did you guys like the reason why Jessica's family can't be in tabloids internet etc.? Okay so I know I said I'll update every other day except on weekends but since I like writing the book might be done within 2 weeks. I've posted 3 chapters today ugh. I write way to much.

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