Chapter 3

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*Jessica's POV*

After Brooklyn walked me home I looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:00pm. Damn we were out late.

"Hey Jess."

"Hey Fin."

"Wanna dye our hair tomorrow?"

"Sure. I want mine purple because you know I'm just swaggy like that. Lol jk. But I do want mine purple."

"Okay. I'm doing mine blonde because I really miss the blonde from when I lived in Cali for 2 years."

"Okay let's go get the dye!"

And with that said we went into my Mercedes Benz convertible and drove to the store to get the hair dye.

*tomorrow morning*

"Finley get up. We have to dye our hair before Brooklyn and the guys come over." I ferociously shook Finley. Her and I slept in the same room on the same bed because we're best friends and we love sleeping together and cuddling. Is that wrong?

"Okay I'm up. You took a shower yesterday right?"

"Yup. Did you?"

"Yup. Let's go dye our hair and freak the boys out."

I was looking on Instagram waiting for Finley to finish going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth when I noticed I had 400 more followers and I kept getting dm's and tagged in photos of Brooklyn and I walking home together and him kissing my cheek. Oh gosh. I can't do this. I can't be famous. If my face and my last name show up in tabloids and on the tv. I'm dead. Literally dead. I was snapped out of my worriedly thinking when Finley tackled me.

"Shall we dye your hair first?" Finley asked my while giggling at my facial expression.


*after dyeing hair* (Finley on left. Jessica on right.)

"Omg my hair is gorgous!" Fin screamed causing Jake to run in my room with his lacrosse stick.

"What's wrong. Are you hurt?"

"Jake we just dyed our hair that's all."

"Oh. The guys are here. And mom called she should be here in 1 hour."

"Okay thanks Jake!" Fin and I yelled at the same time.

Fin and I flaunted down the stairs and to the guys. We started doing poses and the boys looked at us funny.

"You two look different." Matt said while rubbing his imaginary beard.

"Yeah you idiot we dyed our hair." Fin yelled then sat down on Zac. I looked at Brooklyn and it looked like he was a statue. He wasn't moving and all he was doing was looking at me smiling. I decided to sit on him to make him move.

"Hey brook. Do you like my hair?"

"Like, no. Love, yes." Wow I love his accent.

"Thanks Jess. I get that a lot." God damn it!

"I bet. It's really poshy if that even makes sense."

"Well my mom is posh spice."

"Haha nice one."

We did nothing but sit and have a movie day. We have movie nights every Friday but since last night everyone was so tired we didn't. So instead we just had it this morning. We had Anthony deliver our Starbucks orders because we are too lazy.

Since we are outside it got a little chilly so I cuddled up to Brooklyn and he put his arm around me and I soon fell asleep for my 12:00 nap. I have a free period from 11:50- 1:20 so I take my nap in Johnson's office during school. But with today being Saturday and all I didn't have to worry about any of that.

By the time the boys left it was 10:30pm. Well that was fun. I went to go bush my teeth take out my contacts because Brooklyn can never see me with glasses. I look like a goose. And went to bed.

******************************************* Hi guys. Belle here. I think I should confess something. My real name is.... Jessica. Yup. I just really like belle from beauty and that beast. Thanks guys. Byeeeeeee

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