Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up to Brooklyn texting me.

Brooklyn: Good morning Jess

Me: Good morning Brook.

Brooklyn: Want to hang out? Maybe Starbucks again?

Me: Sure I would love to. I'll be at your house in 5 minutes.

Brooklyn: No need to. I'm walking up to your house right now.

Me: Okay. Just walk in I'll be down in 1 minute.

Brooklyn: Okay. I'll wait.

I didn't text Brooklyn back. I got dressed in black skinny jeans, my favorite top shop grey sweatshirt, my brown ugh a with bows, lightly curled my purple hair and topped my outfit off with a grey beanie. Once I was done I grabbed my phone slide down my stairs on my butt because I didn't feel like walking down them and grabbed Brooklyn's hand a left the house.

Since Starbucks was within walking distance Brooklyn and I just walked the 10 minute walk. We got there and went up to the counter and told Anthony our orders.

"So Jess. I was wondering would you like to be my girlfriend? If not then that's totally fine I wouldn't expect you to actually say yes I me-" I cut Brooklyn off.

"Brooklyn I would love to be your girlfriend."

"Really? Wow I thought you would have said no. With me always rambling on and on and on."

"Brook it's okay. I like you."

We were interrupted by Anthony.

"One strawberries and cream frappé for Jessica and one vanilla bean frappé for Brooklyn." Anthony yelled

"I'll get them." Brooklyn offered.

"Thanks." I said once Brooklyn handed me mine.

After we left Starbucks we went for a walk around Times Square. We saw many couples ice skating and kissing. We saw one particular couple that reminded me of Finley and Zac. Then it hit me. That is Finley and Zac. They were kissing and holding hands. That bitch! How could she not have to me.

"I don't know but those two look like a cute couple."

"Was I thinking out loud again?"


"Okay. Imma go confront those two losers."

I walked over to Finley and Zac with Brooklyn still holding onto my hand.



"Damn girl you got some lungs. But Brooklyn and I just started dating too."

"Thank you. So do you bæ. Want to go back to the house? I'm getting cold."

"Yeah me too. Brook want to go back to the house?"

"Yeah. Zac do you?"

"Yeah. We walked here. How did you guys get here."

"We walked here." Brook answered for me.

Once we got back to the house, Fin and I took off our make up. Brushed our teeth. Changed into pajamas and went to bed.

I'm kinda nervous to date Brooklyn with him being a celebrity and all. Maybe one day I will be able to tell him what's happening with our family and why we have to stay out of tabloids and the tv. Hopefully he will understand.

Hi people so maybe next chapter is when I'm gonna tell you guys why Jessica and her family is not aloud to be in tabloids, tv, magazines, the Internet. And next chapter is where you will meet Jessica Finley and Jakes parents.

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