everything that kills me(Alan Ashby love story)

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chapter one

I woke up to the brightness of day.  "Fuck" I mumbled to myself.  My head was pounding; fucking hangover.  I looked on my bed side table and there it sat the empty bottle of vodka. I looked down and there was another on the floor. I shrugged; guess I drank two bottles.

I got out of bed; but for what?  What did I plan on doing?  I had a run in with his new skank last night.  What was her name Alexandria?, Aria?, or was it Ashley?  Oh well I dumped his ass for a reason.  I didn't give two shits who he dates. "I guess I'll go get coffee," I mumbled to myself.

I pulled on a black tank with a camo cardigan that I left unbuttoned, a pair of shorts, black thigh highs, and my brown Steve maddens. My hair was just left down with my curls cascading down my back.  I stood and looked in the mirror "Whatever" I shrugged.  I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I walked out of my room; and into the living room to grab my purse.  I lived alone; I liked it kinda.  It was quiet and I could do as I pleased.  My stomach growled.  "Might as well pick up a meal also"

As I walked outside the New England fog hit me.  As I walked to Starbucks I had several guys try to stop me to get my number or something along those lines.  I just kept walking and put my headphones in.  I couldn't help but  think "How do happy people feel?"  You know; those people who have it all, a big family, a boyfriend, friends they can trust.  People who can smile and feel on top of the world.  People who aren't depressed.  

As I walked in I saw him and the skank. what the fuck were they doing here?  I tried to stop looking so they wouldn't notice. "Carramel frap" I said to the worker. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. "Twice in 24 hours." It was them; great. 

"Hi Logan and err umm; sorry I didn't bother remembering your name."

Her face dropped and she gave me a death glare.  I just smiled. "What is she going to do about it; hit me? haha"   I thought in my head.  The man behind the counter handed me my drink. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but I don't care about either one of you" and with that I waved bye and walked out the door. They both were left with just blank expressions.  I chuckled under my breath.

everything that kills me ~Alan Ashby and Kaya Scondelario fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now