1 || Dreams & Dinner

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Chapter One || Dreams & Dinner

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"I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late."

I increased my pace, checking my watch every now and then. This is the first time I've ever been late for Jade's Thanksgiving dinner party.

Knowing that she would have been expecting me to be among the first to arrive, I felt slightly guilty about having a lie-in.

My eyelids still felt slightly droopy and my hair was matted to my scalp due to the heavy rain in London this evening.

I stood by the bus stop, practically sighing in relief at the fact I had found myself some shelter. To my dismay, there wasn't a single Taxi in sight, not even a bus which explained why the bus stop was pretty much empty.

I carried on walking down the road, whilst looking for my phone in my bag so I could phone Jade and tell her that I was going to be really, really late. People ran past every now and then, each holding a umbrella and eagerly trying to get out of the cold to keep themselves from getting sick.

I, on the other hand, was coughing and sneezing every minute or so, dying for someone to stop and pass me a damn tissue.

As I checked my pockets, I realised that i didn't have my phone. I must have left it at home because I was in such a hurry. I couldn't even decide on which outfit I was going to wear.

In the end I had just chucked on a Boho White Lace Dress and had done my hair into bouncy curls, which were now ruined and looked more like waves.

My legs had began hurting so I decided to sit down on one fo the WET benches at the side. I felt like some homeless person since everybody who went by passed shot me a weird look.

And then at that point I just had a breakdown, and the tears of stress just began flowing from out of my eyes as I buried my face in my hands.

"Hey, are you alright?" said a deep voice with an unfamiliar accent.

I literally almost jumped when I saw a guy staring at me, concern shining from within his hazel orbs. His dark hair was pushed back, leaving a strand or two gliding across his chiseled face.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

He looked around and then looked at me again. "Are you sure because you don't always see women all dressed up, crying in the rain."

I sighed and looked up hesitantly, "I need...I need to go to Beacon Avenue."

"Beacon Avenue?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Where's that?"

I gave him a weird look.

"Look, is it in the city?" He asked, growing slightly agitated.

"Are you even from London?"

"No, actually I'm from Bradford," he smirked.

I folded my arms, not believing that I was having a conversation with a random guy out in the rain.

"Your mascaras running down your face. Here, have a tissue," He handed me one and I quickly began to dab at the stains.

"Thanks," I said. "So do you at least now how I can get back to the city?"

"Well your city is quite near actually. How did you get over on this side anyway?" He asked, running his hand through his hair.

"I was running late for a dinner party and began taking random shortcuts I didn't even know of and somehow I miraculously ended up here," I muttered, slightly shivering due to the wind.

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