Chapter 29 (Slip Up)

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Nico offered some kind words to me, saying he was sorry about my mother and that it was alright.

It was nice but it didn't really improve my mood.

Although, I did have to admit that I felt a little weight being lifted off of my chest.

He had made me sleep a little longer after my dream with Apollo, and after that he took me to the meadow in the woods to just hang out and talk to one another without the risks of Elise or Leo or Bethany or anyone interrupting us and ruining it.

Nico was being really caring and sweet, so much so that my mind had started to play with the possibility that he may be interested in me. At first I had pushed the thought away to my hopeful and stupid imagination, but now, after spending so much time with him. I really felt like I had a chance.

"Is everything okay?" Nico asked me breaking me out of my day dreams.

"Huh?" I asked turning to look at him.

We were both leaning against a rock and sitting on the soft green grass. My legs were outstretched in front of me and I was staring straight in front of me at some red pansies.

"Is everything okay?" He clarified and I nodded still looking straight ahead.

"Yeah, I mean, this summer had a lot more drama and action then any of my others before" I said and he nodded.

"I just feel worried I guess. I made a lot of friends, but, then I lost them.... Now, I feel terrible. A little regretful too" I admitted and Nico nodded staring at the side of my face.

"You'll have summers like that. I sometimes feel like that, but then I'm grateful I can say that I lost some friends as friends but not as people. In the past all there was, was death. It was sad and terrible and luckily I haven't had one of those summers in a couple years" Nico said to me and I nodded feeling a little self conscious and conceded.

Here I was whining about my summer when Nico was here pointing out all the demigods who have died fighting for Olympus, the camp, and their families.

Which were all one in the same.

"You're right I'm being stupid" I mumbled feeling a tint of red cover my cheeks as I looked down at my knees.

I felt embarrassed but also, shy. It was sudden and weird but my skin starting heating up and I felt the butterflies start again.

God dammit hormones can't you control yourselves around Nico just once!?!?!

"You could never be stupid" Nico said his voice deep.

It sent goosebumps all over my body, it was a chilling yet pleasant feeling.

"I'm stupid most of the time" I squeaked out nervously feeling Nico's proximity to me.

Nico was slowly leaning towards me. He was moving incredibly slow, so slow you wouldn't even notice normally. But my nerves and senses were on over drive and they were detecting every single breath as though it was a tornado.

So him moving towards me felt quick and at the same time agonizingly long.

"You are never stupid Lillian. I don't want to hear that. You are beautiful, funny, kind, and incredibly smart. So don't lie to your self" Nico whispered harshly.

I turned and looked at him and shook my head.

"I'm not beautiful" I stated simply.

"Just because your too blind to see it doesn't mean you aren't"

Then, Nico did something I never ever thought would happen in a million years.

It had barely even happened in my dreams for crying out loud! I was ready to explode with excitement and adrenaline.

The Loner Club: A Demigod That Is Forever AloneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang