Chapter 14 (Cabin 10's Personal Shopping Mall)

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The next day at camp was incredibly uneventful.

For me at least.

But the buzz of Jason and Piper's break up was buzzing around camp and everyone was eager to know what had happened during capture the flag.

And who this girl was.

The whole day Aaron looked sick to her stomach and I was surprised she had even gotten out of bed.

After dinner I felt the need to go over to her and check on her. So on our way out of the dining pavilion I went up to her.

"Hey Aaron, Is everything okay?" I asked her.

She nodded but didn't look at me.

"Are you still coming to the meeting tonight?" I asked her.

She looked at me thinking about it and nodded.

"Just as long as I don't see him or Piper" she said quietly.

I nodded a put my hand on her shoulder.

"If you want to skip then we can hang out or something..." I offered but she shook her head.

"No I think it'll be a good idea to come to the meeting" she said distant. I could tell her heart and mind weren't really here.

I nodded and let her walk away and as I watched her walk away I noticed Jason staring at her.

What was that about?


"Welcome back Loners!" Bethany said as we all had gathered in the back room of the Aphrodite cabin.

We all produced a murmur of acknowledgment and Bethany clapped her hands together.

"Alright, now today we will be going shopping in the magical Aphrodite cabin closet" She said smiling brightly.

I couldn't help but stare in wonder at the beautiful doors that stood behind Bethany, just taunting us, making everyone in the room question what was beyond them.

"I can see you all are anxious to get in there so I will be brief with the rules and regulations. Anything you want you can find, but sometimes what you think you want isn't actually what's good for you. Therefore, you and your group will work together to pick the perfect outfit out for all of you. Just to make sure we are truly giving you a cute new look I will also be proof checking all outfits" Bethany smiled at us.

Something about her smile was unnerving. Her smile was friendly but it was the kind you would give a baby, or a puppy. She was looking at us like we were inferior and I was starting to worry maybe Leo and Nico had been right.

I shook the thoughts out of my head. I was being paranoid, I couldn't let what those people said go to my head. I was looking for things wrong with Bethany now when she's really done nothing wrong. I needed to start trusting my gut and my knowledge over others' opinions. I felt myself smiling back at her and blocking all doubtful thoughts out.

"Well, let's head on in!" She said opening the doors and stepping aside allowing us to rush into the closet.

As soon as I stepped foot inside I realized that it really wasn't a closet. No, the proper word would probably be never ending warehouse. There were rows, upon rows, upon rows, of clothing that made me feeling incredibly overwhelmed.

"Woah, the Aphrodite cabin is loaded" Aaron said voicing everyone's thoughts.

I noticed Bethany looking flattered but I could also tell that she was showing off a little bit as well.

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