Chapter 23 (Apollo the God of Being a Pain in the Ass)

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When Elise and I landed back at camp, I expected us to land back in the woods nice and quietly.

However, we actually ended up landing on the beach shore with a very loud boom.

"That was a soft landing" I grumbled pushing myself onto my elbows. Elise mumbled apologetically and I heard someone clear their throat.

Elise and I both froze before turning around. I found Will Solace staring at Elise his face bright red and steaming. I looked at Elise and saw a sheepish smile form on her lips.

"Hey Will, fancy seeing you here" she said attempting to lighten the situation, but Will's mood didn't change.

"Elisa Jackson..." Will started but Elise quickly shook we head.

"I know what you're going to say Will, I'm sorry, okay? Can we drop it?" Elise suggested and Will shook his head sternly.

"You left camp without telling anyone, let alone asking permission. You took the O'Leary's, which you very well know you aren't allowed to even go near. You were gone for more than an hour, leaving everyone wondering where you were. Percy was about ready to flip his shit, everyone was worried you had run away again" Will lectured and I watched Elise's face start to cloud with guilt.

"Will I..." Elise started but will cut her off.

"Elise, you don't get it. Not only is it irresponsible for you to run away, it's terrifying for everyone here when you do. Have you ever stopped to wonder that as hard as it's been for you to move past this, it's been harder for everyone else. When you do stuff like this, it scares us, it scares me" Will said his voice getting softer as he spoke.

Elise was silent as she stared at him, we both were. I felt guilty, I was the only reason she had left, I needed to take responsibility for this.

"Will, it was actually my fault she left" I spoke up and Will looked at me surprised.

"Lillian, there is no reason to cover for Elise" he said and I shook my head.

"I'm not covering for her, I wanted to visit Olympus, to meet my mother. Elise saw how much I wanted to, so she brought me. She was just being a good friend, I realize now that she made a really big sacrifice for me. Don't blame her, please" I said and Will looked shocked.

Elise gave me a grateful smile as Will contemplated what I just told him.

"I get why you did it" he said to Elise "but you still know better".

Elise nodded and Will sighed.

"That being said, I covered for you today. I told everyone you were out in the woods, going on a calming walk. As long as you promise not to do this again we can keep this between us three" Will said and a smile spread across Elise's face.

Elise flung her arms around Will's neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you Will" she mumbled into his skin and Will nodded hugging her back.

"Tell me next time" he whispered and Elise nodded.

"I will" she promised.

I stared at the two and couldn't help but think that they would make a lovely couple.

You know, if they weren't both already taken.

Still, if you had seen the way they were holding each other you would've thought that they were most definitely not seeing anyone besides each other.

I sat there for a minute or two more, awkwardly sitting there watching as they held each other. As much as the both of them would deny it, their hug was going on far too long for them to just be friends.

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