Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life

Start from the beginning

We all burst out laughing.

My nasty, younger cousin might be two years younger that me, but that didn't stop him from liking Jazz.

I kept looking at my cup of Fanta but after the other day, I didn't feel like drinking it.

We loomed around the entrance of the community centre, chatting and laughing.

"Let's play truth or dare," suggested Skye.

"Ok, let's start with you, Eva." Said May.


"So truth, dare, doubl,"

"Dare." I interrupted quickly.

We were all having lots of fun.

May was dared to go up to a group of adults and join in their conversation.

Skye was dared to bump into Jazz and Ted while they were dancing.

I was dared to crawl on the floor for a while.

May was dared to go up to Emm and her posse and ask to join in.

And the dares went on. We were just having fun and mucking around and then we went to join our parents who were talking together with a bunch of other parents.

"Oh my word!" Said Tyler's mother. "You've grown so much."

Trust adults to say that.

"She's a big girl now isn't she." Said mum as Tyler and Matt came to their mothers.

"And we're leaving her and Mitch tomorrow night, because of the baby check up in Adelaide." Said mum.

Mum and Dad were going to Adelaide for the night to do some test there and find out truly if the baby was a girl or boy. After, quite a few incidents of Aldinga Hospital getting the sex of a baby wrong, they decided to give Adelaide Hospitals a go.

Mitch put his elbow on my shoulder, "It's just you sis coz I'm gonna rock it at a party." He said loud enough for me and a few others to hear but not mum.

Wow. So tomorrow was going to be one of those great home and alone times.

And note my sarcasm.


Mum trusted that Mitch would be a good, responsible older brother and left me in his care. About an hour ago he left through the window. Don't ask me why. Which leaves me here in my room, writing my story.

It's pretty much pitch black outside and I'm a little worried. I keep telling myself not to worry and that no one is going to break in through the windows and try to kill me.

So here I am writing and playing hayday for about the last hour, when I decide to go and make myself a packet of minute noodles.

Heading down to the kitchen, I hear a faint knock on a window. Problerby just the wind, I tell myself.

I open up a packet of minute noodles and put its contents in a bowl with boiling water and chuck the flavoring on top.

I didn't even feel like noodles, but I was hungry and couldn't be bothered making something else.

BANG, sounded the door.

It's probleby nothing, I was telling myself.


Wait a minute. Maybe it's Mich?

I didn't have it in me to answer the door. So I called Mitch instead.

After about five hundred beeps, he answered. I could barely hear his voice, with all the background party music. "Don't worry," I mumbled ending the call.

The microwave dinged as the most biggest ever bang of history happened.

Now I was freaked out.

Simply horrified.

I walked a little towards the door and noticed a slip of paper slide in through the bottom of the door. Being as scared as ever, I quickly snatched the paper and ran into the kitchen.

The note read.


I swear a set of shivers ran down my spine and my hands shook. The knocking continued.

So here's my reaction:

Gabbing the sharpest kitchen knife we had, I held it in my arm as a weapon and headed towards the door.

So here I am, on a pitch black Saturday night, opening the front door with a kitchen knife in arm, in my loose tank top and shorts, about to face my future serial killers.

I flung the door open, to see two figures that were blurred from the dark.

I screamed.


I pointed the knife out at them and threatened "Come anywhere near me and I'll stab you."

The figures came a little closer.

Now I could see them because of the light.

One word. Matt and Tyler. No wait that was two words.


I plopped down on the front step and put my hand over my forehead.

No words came out my mouth. I was still horrified.

"You should've seen your fa..," began Tyler, but Matt nudged him.

I think they could tell that this was a serious prank. It wasn't funny at all, I was scared, horrified and thought it was going to be the end of my life for the second time in one week.

And last time Matt had saved me. This time he was trying to kill me.

"Aren't you going to call us idiots or something?" Questioned Matt.

"I don't have it in me." I relied. "You two scared the life out of me."

"Aren't you glad we weren't real serial killers." Added Tyler.

He was right. Even though I was scared, a wave of relief had washed over me.

Matt went out to the drive way for a bit and came back with a pizza box.

"So are you going to let us in or not?" Said Matt.

I was damn hungry and this boy had a pizza box with him. I was too scared, hungry and tired to wonder whether it was poisoned or filled with slime. For once I trusted them.

I opened the door and the two short, dark haired, scrawny boys entered in behind me.

We sat down at the kitchen table with a glass of fanta each and a nice large pinnacle supreme pizza.

"Yum." I commented.

"I only make the best." Said Matt, stealing my line.

"So lets call it even," said Matt.

"For a while," I added.

"For a while."


Authors Note:

Please comment. I need some feedback from you guys.

I update quite often, usually a few times a week, so I think it's worth devoting some time to.

So what's going to happen next with Eva?

It doesn't mean she's going to be friends with Matt and Tyler though!

If you comment, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you and even advertise your book in the next chapter if you mention it.

And aren't you glad, I didn't leave it on another cliffhanger 😜

Yours truthfully,


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