Chapter 48:Low.

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I woke up to a pounding headache. It literally felt like my brain was going to blow out of my head. I felt a pair of warm arms around me. I turned around hoping it was Austin but was only brought to surprise to see it was Shayley. I immediately looked under the covers just to make sure we still had our clothes on. I sigh in relief and just lay there staring at Shay. What happened? I tried really hard to remember but the only thing that really came to mind was Shayley and I kissing. Wait Shayley and I kissed? Holy fuck.

"Morning beautiful." I hear his groggy morning voice say. In all honesty, it sounded really hot. "Morning." I smile but I can't help but hear moans. "Do you hear that?" I ask Shayley. Shayley lays there and looks at me. "It sounds like somebodies having sex." He whispers. I scrunch my nose and make a disgusted face. "Not in my house!" I whisper yell. Shayley laughs but quickly covers his mouth. I get up and tip toe my way over to the door. I turn around to see Shayley behind me.

I open the door slowly and I peek my head out before tip toeing out into the hallway. I go to every door and listen closely but it's not coming from upstairs. I tip toe downstairs to see Tony and Hope asleep on the couch together. I look at Shayley in confusion then I hear the moans again. "Kitchen?" Shayley whispers. I tip toe towards the kitchen and I stop in my tracks.

"Holy fuck." Shayley mumbles. It was Austin and Taylor. When did Taylor even get here? I was frozen, I couldn't move or speak. Austin said he'd wait until I was ready, I never knew he meant go and have sex with other girls especially her of all people! "Austin?" I don't know how I even managed to get that out. He stops and doesn't turn around. He pulls up his pants and quickly buckles them back up. "Fuck." I hear him whisper. Taylor quickly slips on her panties and shorts.

I storm out of the house and I slam the door shut. I walk to the lawn and sit down. I was beyond pissed. He said he'd wait, I know I kissed Shayley but I was drunk! Maybe it's time to move on. Maybe he doesn't even care about me or our son. Tears start rolling down my cheek, I don't know why I'm crying. It just really hurts. We aren't dating though so I shouldn't care, right? But I can't help it, I love him.

"Zundra? Oh god Zundra I'm so sorry." it's Austin. He walks over to me and sits in front of me. I quickly wipe my tears away and look away. I couldn't look at him, I couldn't bare to see him. "Don't cry, I'm sorry." He goes to reach out for me but I flinch. "Oh, uhm no it's fine, I'm fine. It's just clear as to what you want. I understand you want to move on, I'm moving on too. I'm seeing him." I look at Austin to see his reaction. "Maybe we can just be friends?" I say as I get up and start to walk back to the house.

I walk in and shut the door behind me. Taylor is still just sitting in the kitchen. What nerve she has. "GET OUT YOU STUPID WHORE!" I scream. She jumps and looks at me but then runs and gets her stuff and runs to the door. As she opens the door, Austin walks to the doorway. "You don't have to leave." He says. Is he kidding? "Yes she does, if you don't like it then you can go with her." Austin looks at me and rolls his eyes. "I'll see you later." He whispers to her. Then it hits me.

"How long have you two been fuck buddies for?" I shout. Taylor leaves and Austin shuts the door. "What're you talking about?" He says defensively. "She didn't want Hope going to see her during tour, you were seeing other girls no doubt. How long Austin?" Austin laughs and shakes his head. "Is this funny to you? Shayley is this funny?" I turn to look at him and he shakes his head. "So how long?" I ask again. "I don't-"."Austin don't fucking lie to me! Tell me right now!" I hiss.

Austin sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "A week after we broke up." he mumbles. I laugh loudly and slam my hands down on the counter. "You're pathetic Austin! Don't talk to me!" I shout. Austin shakes his head and sighs. "Zundra, we weren't dating, why does it matter?" He says with such simplicity. "Why does it matter? Hm well you made me think you still wanted to be together, told me you loved me and wanted to be with me then well it turns out you're fucking my friends ex, who was my friend. Fucking nasty!" Shayley comes in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Deep breath, calm down." he says in a calming voice.

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