Chapter 27:I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous.

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"I believe it's time for me to be famous and out of place." My eyes open quickly. I start searching for my phone. "I believe it's time for me to move forward." I find my phone and look at the screen to see I had a few texts but no call. I hear singing again. Wait where's Austin? I look beside me to see he's not there. I get out of the bunk quietly and make my way to the front. "This is not what it is only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mother side." I see Aaron sitting there singing, pouring his heart and emotion into it. "You have a beautiful voice Aaron." Aaron stops singing and quickly looks at me. His cheeks turn a bright red. "Shit sorry I thought you were sleeping." He says fast. I laugh, "Aaron it's fine, you have so much talent though, honestly." He smiles and chuckles a bit.

I later found out that Austin and Alan went to sleeping's bus to discuss show stuff, Tino and Phil went to the bar. "Why didn't you go with them? It's your day off." I ask. Aaron looks at me and shrugs. "I miss Amanda." He says. I hug him and rub his back. "You'll see her really soon, don't worry." I pull away and look up at him. He smiles and nods. "Aaron, Amanda's a really lucky girl you know?" I say in all honesty. He laughs and shakes his head, "Austin's a very lucky guy. When we first met you, Alan and Austin wouldn't stop talking about you, they'd fight all the time about how it's not fair that they like the same girl." I look at Aaron and laugh loudly, that's something I never knew. "Omg, you just made my day." We both laugh.

"Kellin!" I shout through the window. Aaron laughs and shakes his head. "Fucking idiot." I mumble. I open the window and scream his name again. "WHAT???" He screams back. "Wheres Austin and Alan?" I ask. "Mall!" He shouts. "COME HERE!!" I yell to him.

I close the window and a few seconds later all of SWS comes on the bus. "Hey girl!" Jesse says as he pulls me into a hug. "Ginger bestie, oh how I missed you!" I say dramatically. He pulls away and laughs. "Zundra you're probably one of the sexiest pregnant girls I've seen." Justin says as he hugs me. I laugh loudly, "Thanks Justin." Soon I'm being attacked by Gabe and Jack. "Hello boys." I say through laughs. Kellin pushes them out of the way and hugs me tightly.

"Wheres Vic and Copeland?" I ask. Kellin looks at me and laughs a bit. "Vic and Jaime took her out." I nod and smile. I wish Austin spent more time with Robert. If he has a day off he goes out, what about our son? Speaking of my little baby. I walk over to the back while the guys are talking to Aaron and check on Robert. He was awake, his big brown eyes finding mine, his smile growing wider. He puts his arms out and pouts. I laugh and pick him up in my arms. I give him tons of kisses before changing his diaper and clothes.

I walk back to the front with Robert in my arms and put the gate up in front of the stairs before putting him down. He crawls up to Aaron and sticks his arms out. "So Jesse you excited that youre going to be a father?" Jesse moves his gaze from Robert and looks at me. "Of course." He exclaims, his smile growing wide.

The SWS boys' left and headed to the bar, where as Aaron stayed and Austin still hasn't come back. I was starting to get worried, he wasn't answering his phone, none of the guys were. "Aaron, where is he?" I ask. Aaron rubs my back to comfort me. "He'll be back soon." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "I'll put Robert to bed." Aaron says as he gets up and picks up my little angle in his arms. I fake a smile and nod. "Stop worrying so much, Austin will be here soon!" He says over his shoulder before disappearing into the bunk hallway.

I started falling asleep when my phone started going off, scaring the shit out of me.



"Um yes, speaking."

"We have Austin Carlile and Alan Ashby here in the hospital." I felt my heart literally stop.

"You-You what?"

"Miss.Cruz, we need you to come down to the hospital." I hang up and run to the back. "Aaron, put him in the carrier, hurry please." Aaron does as he's told without any questions asked.

We got there under ten minutes. Aaron grabs the carrier and I run to the front desk. "Excuse me I'm here for Austin-" . "Miss.Cruz?" I look up and see a nurse in front of me. "This way." She says. Aaron and I follow close behind.

We stop in front of a room, the nurse turns and looks at me and Aaron. "Before, you go in, I just want to inform you that the two gentlemen were in a car accident. They will be fine, just some bruises, cuts, stitches, Austin has a concussion so keep an eye on him. You may go in." She says. I stand there scared. I feel Aaron grab my hand and drag me in the room. Oh god, I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath.

The Sky Under The Sea. {Sequel To Lead Me Out Of The Dark.}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن