Chapter 9:To Live And Let Go.

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"Fuck off I'm trying to sleep."

"Zundra, that hurts you know, I'm trying to be nice."


"I guess I'll go stay with my parents."

"Fine, what do you want?"

I opened my eyes because I obviously wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. I sat up and looked at Morgan. "Well, I was wondering if well maybe Joel has a girlfriend or something?" I looked at Morgan in shock, what is he trying to say here? ", he's single? What are you trying to say?" Morgan looked at me and shook his head, "Never mind." He went to get up but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. "Are you going gay for Joel?" I asked excited. Secretly, I always wished that Joel and Morgan would date because they would look so cute together. "Shhh. Lower your voice." Morgan whispered. "Who's going gay for Joel?" Austin asked. "Since when were you in the bathroom?" Morgan asked confused. Austin shrugged and sat beside me. "No way Morgan, that is so adorable. Omg okay so lets start planning your wedding, what colour would you like the flowers? What kind of suits?" Morgan pushed me playfully and laughed, "I don't even know if he likes me."

"JOEL!" I called out as I walked down with Robert in my arms. I looked around and couldn't find him anymore. I put Robert in his playpen and headed for Joel's room. I knocked on the door, no answer. I heard snores coming from the other side. "That bastards still sleeping." I mumbled. I opened the door and sure enough there he was, sprawled out snoring louder then ever. I ran and jumped on the bed. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE YO ASS UP!" I screamed. Joel sat up quickly and looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you shitting me?" He tackled me down and pinned me down on the bed. "I was sleeping, what in the world are you doing?" He asked oblivious. I laughed. "I just wanted to talk to you." He got off of me and stood up.

I sat on Joel's bed waiting for him to finish in the shower. "So what do you want to talk about?" He asked as he walked in the room and shut the door behind him. I took a deep breath, "Do you like anybody?" I asked. I sounded like I was in high school all over again. He laughed and looked at me, "You're engaged." I laughed loudly, "Oh god Joel, not for me. Answer the question." He laughed and sat beside me. "Well yeah, but I don't if they would ever like me, its kind of weird. They'll probably think I'm crazy." I looked at him with wide eyes. Maybe it's Morgan! "WHO?" I screamed. Joel jumps and moves back a bit. "Calm down, promise you wont treat me different or look at me different?" I nodded eagerly. Can he just hurry the fuck up and tell me. "Well, I think I might like Morgan." I squealed and jumped up and danced around the room.

I didn't tell Joel why I asked or why I was acting like a teenager, I just left the room like nothing happened then ran upstairs and told Austin. "No way, that's crazy. We must hook them up!" Austin exclaimed. I nodded and clapped my hands. "Finally Kellic and now Jorgan!" Austin laughed and shook his head, "Jorgan?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, Morgan and Joel, Jorgan." He laughed and kissed me. "You're to cute." I giggled and kissed him back.

I was sitting on the lazy boy when something made me literally jump up. "Mommy." I looked at Robert with wide eyes. "AUSTIN!" I screamed. I picked up Robert and held him. "Robert, baby, omg." I kissed him and tears were streaming down my face. Somebody told me that when your baby speaks its first word it's really emotional. I didn't believe it til now.

Austin came running downstairs. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked worried. "Robert said his first word." I squealed. "What?" Austin asked confused. "Robert repeat it baby, for mommy." Robert looked up at me and smiled. He was so perfect. "Mommy." Austin gasped and put his hands to his mouth. "Robert, omg." He walked up to me and Robert and kissed his head.

Alan came walking in the front door and looked at me confused. "Why are you crying?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. I put Robert in his playpen and wiped the tears away. Austin hugged me and kissed my head. "Seriously what's going on?"."Mommy." Before I could even tell him, Robert decided to show him. I smiled widely and laughed. Alan's mouth dropped. "Did he just say mommy?" I nodded my head. "Omg," Alan smiled widely and walked up to Robert's playpen and leaned down and kissed his head. "He's growing up fast." Alan exclaimed. I nodded my head and soon enough Morgan and Joel came walking in. I told them and they were ecstatic. I even called a whole bunch of people and told them. I was being dramatic but come on, it was his first word.

Time to get Joel and Morgan together. "Hey Morgan come here!" I called out. Joel looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head. I smiled and shrugged. Morgan came from the kitchen and sat beside me. "What?" He asked. I shrugged and stood up and faced Joel and Morgan. "Well guys, so you know, I support Kellin and Vic 100%, I was actually so happy for them. I just wanted to let you know that everybody supports them and well, everybody will support you guys as well." They both looked at me confused. "For fuck sakes, Morgan, Joel likes you. Joel, Morgan likes you." They both looked at each other and smiled. "Really?" They both asked in unison. I nodded and clapped my hands together. "Well uhm, Austin, Alan and I will be going out, so you guys will be here by yourselves to you know." I winked and ran upstairs.

I finished getting ready and got Robert ready as well. "Austin, Alan, lets go!" I called out as I buckled Robert in his stroller. Austin and Alan came downstairs and they both looked at me confused. "Get your shoes on, don't just stand there." I say. "Where are we going?" Alan asks confused. "JUST DO IT!" I shout. Both of them put on there shoes and follow me outside. "So baby, care to explain?" I laughed and started walking towards Vic's and Kellin's house. "Were going to visit Kellic, so Morgan and Joel can have the house to themselves." Austin and Alan look at each other and smile. "They finally admitted it to each other?" Alan asks. "Wait you knew?" I ask him confused. Alan nods, "It was obvious." I shake my head and continue pushing the stroller. "Here baby let me push him." Austin pushes me beside Alan and takes over. "Thanks baby." I kiss his cheek and continue walking.

"I'M ONLY GETTING STARTED. I WONT BLACKOUT!" I scream along to Blackout by Breathe Carolina. Vic and Kellin laugh and sing along with me. Austin and Alan decided to go to the store and buy food for us and they insisted on bringing Robert so Austin could show off about being a dad. "So, Zundra, we have big news to tell you." I stop singing and look at Vic. Copeland comes crawling into the living room. "Omg, she's so big now!" I squeal and pick her up and sit back down with her in my lap. "I know, she looks more like Kellin everyday." Vic says as Kellin leans over and kisses his cheek. They're so cute together. "So what's this big news?" I ask. "Well," Kellin looks at Vic and they both smile. Vic shows me his hand and my eyes go wide when I see a beautiful ring on his finger.

"OMG YOU GUYS ARE ENGAGED?" I scream. I put Copeland down and jump up and embrace both of my best friends in a hug. "Holy shit, you're more excited then us." Kellin says laughing. I laugh and sit between them. "So who asked who? Details." I try to keep calm but I was just so happy for them. "Well, Kellin did. It was the cutest thing. We went out to dinner one night and he just he got up in front everyone and said this cute speech and then got on one knee and asked me." I squeal and clap my hands. "Omg, I am so proud of you guys!" I say as tears stream down my face. Why am I so emotional? They both laugh and hug me. "Stop crying." I laugh and wipe my tears, "I'm so emotional, Oh god." I laugh and shake my head.

So, I'm trying to get more Kellic in the story since they barely ever get mentioned.

Tbh, I died when I saw the picture so I had to... >>>

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