Chapter 15:Notice Me.

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"Austin what's wrong?" I was scared, I didn't know what was going on. He looked at me then looked away. "Listen, Austin, you need to tell me what's going on. Please." I was pleading, I need to know. "My moms death anniversary is coming up and I'm just, I wish she was here, I wish she could be in Robert's life." He broke down and started crying. How could I forget about that? I rushed to his side and wrapped my arms around him. "Baby, I bet she's here with us right now, I know she's proud of you." Austin looked at me, he looked so sad, so lost, so delicate.

Austin didn't let anybody back on the bus he told them to stay on somebody elses bus. He just wanted it to be us three. "I'm sorry I acted like a total dick earlier, I was just scared I guess." I looked at him confused, "Scared of what?" He looked at Robert, who was sitting on the floor looking up at the t.v with his bottle in his mouth. "That I wouldn't be here for Robert, or that he might have the same heart condition." Austin looked at me and I felt like just dropping to the ground and crying. The look on his face just crushed me. "Austin, the doctors said he has little chance of getting it, we just need to pray for him. As for you, you have to take it easy." He nodded and forced a smile.

"Shit." I mumble, we forgot to get my birth control pills. "Austin, we need to go to the pharmacy!" I yell out to him from the bathroom. "We can't, they are all closed now, I checked." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. Great now what am I going to do.

"Babe, I put Robert to bed, wanna watch a movie?" I sit on the couch and wait for him to stop texting. "I have something else I want to do."."Okay, and what exactly is-" Austin walks over and pushes me back so I'm laying. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me. He pulls away and starts kissing down my neck. I suddenly get this sick, churning feeling in my stomach. I feel something in my throat that makes me put my hand to my mouth. I push Austin off me and run to the bathroom. I open the toilet seat and start throwing up. Austin rushes in and holds my hair back.

After throwing up for what seemed like hours, I curl up in a ball and hold my stomach. "Baby, whats wrong?" Austin lifts me up in his arms and carries me to the front lounge. He sits down and holds me like a baby. "My stomach hurts so much." I start crying in pain and Austin holds me tighter. "Have you got your period?" Austin whispers in my ear, he wipes my tears away and kisses my head. I sit there and think, the last time I had my period was when before Joel came, which was over a month or two ago. Fuck, I can't be pregnant, can I?

"Baby, you never answered." Austin says making me snap out of my thoughts. "Austin, the last time I had my period was over a month or two ago." I look up at him and he looks at me with wide eyes. "Are you pregnant?" He asks me. I shrug and start crying. If I'm pregnant, that means I have to leave the band once I have the baby. "Baby, we will go and buy tests tomorrow, don't worry." He kisses me and wipes my tears again.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to Austin carrying me. I looked around before he laid me in the bunk and then got in and laid down after. My eyes started getting heavy so I closed them. I felt Austin pull the covers over us then I felt him kiss my head. After that I fell asleep once again.

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