Chapter 1: Pack House

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Jaylan's POV

I got out of bed and looked at the clock as it read 10:30, of course no one woke me up. They never did. I've been living in the pack house for 3 years now, I am now 16. I got out the bed gloomly and got up just to face my mirror.

"Oh lord." My brown hair was sticking up and my hazel eyes didn't even look like it was open. I was 5'5 and at my pack house, if you'd call it that. They didn't like me but I didn't really care. My brother was the beta and the alpha was a jerk. Together they'd make a lovely couple since they are both idiots and rude to me for no reason.

I went to the bathroom to meet Anastasia there. She was 15 and absolutely adorable. She was 5'3, had grey eyes and she had the body of a 12 year old. About 2 years ago she came as a rogue and they wanted to kill her but I begged them not to and I meant begged I went on my hands and knees and my brother didn't even care.

"They didn't wake you up either huh?"
"No they left you asleep huh?"
"Yea. They are so petty honestly, I don't see anything wrong with you and I'm tired of the way they treat you." I smiled because she was so adorable the way she spoke tiredly, I patted her head to let her know it was ok, I did it often.

We both grabbed our tooth brushes and started brushing our mouths. We both finished at the same time and I think I was wide awake because I just noticed how crazy Anastasia looked.

"My hair...." Just then we heard the smoke alarm go off so we ran to the kitchen.

"IM REALLY ABOUT TO FIGHT FIRE" I saw my best friend Naomi throwing punches headed for the fire.

While I ran over to her Anastasia opened the windows up.

"Oh you guys are here too...HEY YA." She said smiling. Naomi was 5'8, had brown eyes, and was 16 like me and she looked like a model. Out of the three of us her hair was black and short, my hair was medium and brown and Anastasia hair was black and waist long also Anastasia was white while Naomi was black but light skin as some say.

The alarm sounded again
"MY PANCAKES...WHYYYY" Naomi was on the floor pointing to the ceiling.
"Your as dramatic as ever" Anastasia said and we all laughed.

"I guess we're having burnt pancakes for breakfast" I said smiling.

"Girl, where? Did you ask for any? No."

"There's like 50 there!"

"And guess what"


"Those 50 pancakes are calling out to me" she tried to keep a straight face but we all ended up laughing.

"Ok let's have a race, whoever dresses up first and comes down here gets the pancakes" Anastasia says smiling.

"Oh look over there... A fish." Naomi says pointing. Me and Anastasia look but we didn't see anything.

"There's no fish-" she's gone.
I turn to look at Anastasia and she's gone too.

"Hungry asses" I say before running upstairs myself.

I combed my hair and put it in a messy bun. Then I took out my long sweater and some tights to go with it and then some uggs. It was fall so I thought this would be appropriate for the season. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs I knew I'd be first.

To my surprise they were both there with smirks on their faces. Anastasia was wearing sweatpants and a crop top with a bow while Naomi was wearing a long baseball shirt with black tights and white sneakers.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they both yelled in unison. Tears formed down my eyes of course they remembered. I ran to both of them while giving them a hug.

"D-dont go emotional on us now"

"But your crying too"

"Why so you always have to call me out"

There they go. They always fought and I always broke them up.

I looked at the time it was 12:00

"We need to get going"

"But first" I turned to see a delicious looking ice cream cake that read "Happy birthday to our gorgeous Jaylan" and I couldn't help but jumping on them.

"I love you guys so much"

"We love you too"

"Now time for school everyone out the door."

"What about the cake?" Naomi asked.

"We'll eat it later."

"No, you'll eat it later" Naomi said while grabbing a piece and putting it on a plate. Anastasia did the same.

"Now can we go?"

"Yes. I need a place to sleep anyways" Anastasia says with Naomi agreeing. We finally headed out the door.

So this is a book I'm going to put a lot of effort in but how do you like it so far? Leave comments and vote thanks c;

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