1000 hours part two

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It was Wednesday morning and I was at my locker I look over at Adam who was talking with his friends down the hall. I give him a seductive smile. Owen Dallas and the rest of the hockey team walked a little passed me and snickered. I turn to them.

“may I help you with something.” Dallas who was staying with Adam and Drew walks up to me.

“yes, um ahem there’s a bathroom stall with your name on it i…” he held out the word I. “was just wondering who is the next freak you were going to pound in. it.” They all laugh I look at him confused.

“What are you talking about Dallas.”

“Nothing girl nothing. You really area as desperate  as they say aren’t you.” He playfully hits my arms.

“I’m not desperate. For anything.” I said. They all laugh

“first Owen and now this h.”  he claps his hands. “you really are crazy aren’t you.” Then he left. I stood there. Then I turned to my locker and shut it.. I wipe the tears from my eys and was about to walk away when I hear,

“Meg?” I turn around to see Eli and Adam.”

“Hey.” I said cheerfully

“have you seen…the video.” Eli asked.” I shook my head slowly he seemed all serious and Adam looked hurt. Eli pulls out his laptop. I touch his arm to tell him to stop.

“I don’t think I want to see it.” I paused scared. “dose it involve me.” They nodded “what did I do now.”

“it’s not your fault.” Adam said. “its mine I should of never token you into that stall.”

“what.” I said.

“Yesterday after gym.” I smile

“yes.” I held out.”

“Some one filed us.” He said in a whisper voice.”


“I don’t know this poster of the video is anonymous.” I sighed and looked down. That’s was what Dallas was talking about. And Adam not a freak. I couldn’t tell If I should hurt of be mad.

“I’m trying now to track to see if I can find the poster.”

“well now.” I said.

“well what?” Eli asked

“I don’t know I have to go.”

“Meg you’re not mad at me are you?” Adam asked “although you have every right to be.” I kissed his cheek.

“nope.” And then I moved on to my next class.”

After gym class I open my locker to find a note. I pick it up and read it. It read.

Meg I am so sorry about this but I can’t take the bullying and the harassment any more we should break up I don’t want to do this in person because I don’t want to see your pretty face cry. I am sorry but we were never meant to be


 How could he do this I thought he loved me. This is my entire fault. I ran out of the locker room and down the hall and past Adam.

“Meg! Meg!” I hear him call why he would be calling to me after what he just done. I have no idea if I should be hurt mad or whatever. I run into the girl’s bathroom lucky here was no one in there. I go into a stall and sob my eyes out. I wail and cry and scream. When I finally got myself together someone walks in. I hear them talking.

“I heard her over eats the fat cow.” There where giggles that sounded like Tori.

“She is a little fat isn’t she. I mean that what I see in gym with her muffin top.”  That one sounded like Katie. Maya’s older sister. She was in my Gym class. I look t my sides. Yup muffin top.

“poor Meg. She should diet she’s at risk of a heart attack with all that fat on her.” Katie laughed and then she added.

“I’ve see her in the locker room. She has rolls on her back its so ewe she’s so ewe.” They both laugh and leave. I open my stall door and look into the mirror. I poke at my fat and cry. This is why he’s getting made fun of me this is why he left me. I’m not perfect enough for him.

“Oh Adam I loved you do much.” I say to myself in the mirror. I go back into the stall and cry.

Once I was done I skipped my class although Bianca will kill me once she finds out I’m not here and I begin to walk way. The bell rings and people flood the halls. I hear my name being called.  Then the person walked up  to em. It was Adam.

“hey are you ok.” I ignore him. “Babe.” I wouldn’t respond. “Meg. Megan.” I turn sharply to him and yelled causing a scene 


“what’s wrong.”

“go away you don’t want me ok I got the memo ok I’m going away.” I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

“what’s the matter.”

“this.” I took out the note he wrote and put it in his face he took it and read it.

“Meg I never wrote this.”


“I never break up with you for some video its stupid.” I started to cry.

“it’s ok I’ll go I’m fat I ate a cinnamon roll I need to throw it up before I digest it.”

“Meg stop now ok I love you and I wouldn’t want you to change for the world.”

“Even my muffin top?” he okes my side.

“What muffin top.”  I pull him in my arms and whisper.

“I love you so much I never want to let you go.”

“that’s good cause I feel the same way.” He grabbed my hand and people laughed snickering at us. But we paid them no mind no mind at all.

When I was Adam’s house. We were sitting there. Trying to figure out who posted the video.

“it had to be the same person who gave me the note.” I said.

“no because the person who filed us was a guy and  you found the note in your locker in the girls locker room.” I looked down.

“oh yea.” I hear Dallas chuckle.

“What’s so funny.”

“nothing.” There was a knock at my door. It was my brother Alex. He came in.

“Who do you think you are!” he pulled out a gun and pointed at Dallas. We all backed up I screamed. 

“What the…”

“Why did you do it huh she’s been through too much and your just adding on.” Tears flooded my eyes.

“Alex don’t do it you’re going to go to jail for a long time.” He turned to me.

“No Meg I’m tired of people treating you like this it’s crazy. People should treat you….” Then Dallas attacked Alex. And then fell to the ground. I scream.  And shake then I hear the worst noise I could ever hear. I heard the gun go off. I peeked out to see what happened. I had moved to a corner shaking and crying..

“Dude I swear I didn’t shoot him.” And he didn’t it was clear by the way he had the gun in his hands tp pointed towards him. Alex had shot himself. He lied there his face in shock and blood pouring out of him. I run to him

“Alex! Alex!” I kneel next to him and held him in my arms as he took his last breath. “Alex!”  I looked at the gun and took it.

“No!” I hear Bianca shout. She takes the gun out of my hand and I fall over and scream my brother’s name. Another one was gone. It hurt so badly. I start to breath heavy. Great another anxiety attack.  I really couldn’t breathe and everything started to get dark. I curl into a ball and my last thought. Was

Dear lord take me now I can’t take this pain…….just take me

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