Dance, Dance Part two

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I was hugging Adam when the doctor came in.

“Miss. Laughenburrger. May we ask you a few questions?”

“Yea sure.” I said I look at Adam.

“You want me to leave.” He asked the Doctor.

“Yes for the moment.” Adam grabbed his bags and kissed me on the cheek.

“I got to go home text me later ok.” I smiled at him and nodded. Then Adam left.

“Miss. Laughenburrger. Do you have a history of trying to kill yourself?”

“no.” I lied

“Your foster brother is he Alex?”


“He tells me that you said you’ve been feeling like there’s no hope and you have a history of attempt suicides.”

“He lies.”

“Oh, why do you think he’s lying about that sort of thing?”

“He hates me.” I said that as more of a statement then a question. He stared at me. Nodded and wrote something down.

“Do you feel hopeless Megan?”

“no.” I lied once more.” I smiled at him to assure that I was fine. He kept on taking notes. I wonder what he was writing down. That I was a crazy psycho path and I needed to be locked up right away. He stood up and said.

“ok thanks you.” Then he left. I look around for my lime green I phone that had a white and hot pink soft cover. I found it on the night stand next to me and texted Adam.

Yo bro
what Drew!
 He replied I thought for a second and then called him/

“Hello.” He answered.

“Who’s Drew?” I ask him.

“My brother why.”

“I texted you and you said what drew.”

“oh sorry. you said you bro I thought it was my brother.” I sigh.

“your brother’s name is Meg?”

“No. Drew.” He must have been the guy giving me the evil eye

“you didn’t see the name that popped up.”

“no, I just read the message.” He laughed

“Adam.” I say as I laugh.” My older brother Alex walks and crosses his arms over his chest looking impatient. “Hold on Adam.” I say into the phone then I cover up the mic and say to my brother. “may I help you.”

“we are leaving In five minutes.”


“you’re going to a mental home.” I frowned and sighed. I hated hospitals.

“Adam I can talk for five more minutes.”


“Then I won’t be at school for about a week.”

“Why.” His tone changed from happy to worry.

”Going to a mental home.”

“What. Oh.”

“I’m sorry Adam I mess everything up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Will you wait for me?”

“of course I would never leave you just make sure you get better Meg ok.”

“otay Adam.”

“Megan let’s go!” my brother said.

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