The new kid: part two

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We have been dating for awhile now. Adam and I. it's been about a month or so, maybe even more. It was the last hour of the day, I wave to Adam as I head to my locker. I open it and get everything ready for the last hour.

"hey."  I jump a little and then look at him and smile.

"Herro." I said he laughs at me being silly. When he was done he said.

"So here's the thing." I interrupted him by being a smart-aleck and said.

"oh, there's the thing I've been looking all over for this." I paused making a thinking face. "Thing." he started to crack up I smiled at him. I love to make him laugh.

"Meg, not what I mean"

"I know." I said with a smile.

"Wow. Well my mom want you to com over for dinner." He told his Parents about me?  "is that alright?"


"is tonight alright."

"I guess so let me tell...uh ok then."

"Tell who?" he asked me.

"no one I can make it ok." I looked around for a teacher and then kissed him on the cheek. "When is dinner?" then the bell rang.

"its at eight ok." I smiled and nodded and turned to go to my class. M last class was science.

"ok class the assignment is on the board pick a lab partner and get to work." Our teacher said. I sat there and drew since like always in my old school I never got a partner. Then this muscular football player like guy walks over to me and says.

"You're my lab partner  kid." I look at him

"Do I know you?"

"I'm Owen you know my little brother Tristan."

"Oh booger brain that's what I call him." I smiled and he stared at me then said.

"Ya he can be a brat some times." I shrug.

"Nah I'm a people person so he don't bother me. so we got this assignment to do, let's get to it."  And so we did. neither of us knew what we were doing so we just winged it. At the end of class I was packing up when Owen said to me.

"Hey, look um..." I looked at him


"Meg!" he clapped "I knew that, look there's this party that my friend s having at his place, its uh, next weekend. do you want to join it be a great way to met people."

"I don't know  I have to ask Adam."

"Who? Adam Torres?"


"Why him?" he said disgustingly, I gave him a death glare.

"He's my boyfriend." He laughed.

"has he told you?"

"Told me what." He chuckled.

"How long have you guys been together."

"A month or so! Now told me what!"

"Whoa, Clam down look if you want to go to the party Text me and 'l give you the information." He wrote down his number and put it in my bag. Then the bell rang and I stormed out of there fed up with Owen.

I put my things in my locker. If there was something Adam need to tell me he needs to tell me now. I find him hanging with his friends on the stair case I walk him to him and say.

"Adam hi." I say oddly serious.

"Yes, hi." He says with a smile.

"I need to talk to you alone." I look at his friends. "alone."

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