196. Camping

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I visited the camp ground! Here's some stuff that happened:

It's my Great Aunt's birthday today! Yes, the one who asked about the School fo tha Blond. Her favorite color is orange so I wore an orange shirt and we gave her some sunglasses the same color. She got a few weird towels, a slightly inappropriate card, and a book called 'A Guide to Creative Cursing,' lol.

I saw my uncle on my mom's side. He's missing his left pinky finger because he had a wood splitting accident. I asked him what it was like, missing a finger, and he replied seriously, "It's very strange. Wanna try it?" Lol. Later, when I was saying my goodbyes to everyone (I just left) I said bye to him, but he had his dog, a pug named Max, on his lap. So after I said bye to him, I said, "Oh. Bye, (uncle's name)." Then I couldn't help but laugh and say I was just kidding.

My older cousin has a boyfriend who is an awesome guitarist and singer, so he was singing songs and playing his guitar. HIS BEARD IS GINGER BUT HIS HAIR ISN'T!!! Well, he knows the song Hey There Delilah by the Plain White Tees and I sang along. It was awesome and fun. I kept identifying random songs he was playing and they were really random, seriously. Like, from Johnny Cash to Fun. and more stuff like that.

I was playing at the park with my eight year old cousin and we found a crabapple tree. She loved the crabapples and wanted more, even. Later, I was playing Ghost in the Graveyard with her and my sister. She wanted to hide in this dog kennel and I sat down. I realized that I'd put my left hand in dog poo... and my right in dog pee... and I'd sat down in both. So I had to wash my hands several times and change from my comfy shorts into slightly less comfy jean shorts. Eew...

That was just a few things that happened, but it was fun.

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