111. The Doctor is Dying

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(The video isn't about skeletons or zombies. It is about the death of the Tenth Doctor.) (part 111)

This video is amazing! The lyrics are stunning, catching Whovians and punching them hard, SO HARD, and even non-Whovians (there should be no such thing) like me when I first saw the video are caught. The graphics are fantastic (see what I did there? No? Okay then...) and it doesn't give away spoilers unless you watch this right before the Tenth Doctor's death.

Here are the lyrics:

Chameleon Circuit- The Doctor is Dying

It is returning through the dark
Doctor, you have met your mark.
Your song is ending so don't cry
When you hear him knock four times.

You're going to regenerate
Some new man saunters away.
No time for games, tonight we fight
For the fate of all mankind.

I could do so much more!
The Time Lords returning!
The Earth will be burning!
The last white point star is a trap for the Master!

The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!

I don't want to go...
I don't want to go...
Wilfred will be by your side
You will always save his life.

Hold on now, not long to wait
'Till they bring back Gallifrey.
I'll sing you to your sleep.

The Time Lords returning!
The Earth will be burning!
The last white point star is a trap for the Master!

The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!

I don't want to go...
I don't want to go...
Just one more thing before you fall
You'll be getting your reward.

Back in time for those you know
Martha, Donna, Jack, and Rose.

The Time Lords returning.
The Earth will be burning.
The last white point star is a trap for the Master.
The Time Lords returning!
The Earth will be burning!
The last white point star is a trap for the Master!

The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!
The Doctor is dying!

I don't want to go...
I don't want to go...


Gniyd si rotcoD eht
Gniyd si rotcoD eht
Gniyd si rotcoD eht
Gniyd si rotcoD eht

RetsaM eht rof part a si rats tniop etihw tsal eht
Gninrub eb lliw htraE eht
Gninruter sdroL emiT eht

Hey, whatcha think? I love the song, and getting the last reversed lyrics was really hard.

Need an explanation, non-Whovians? Okay. New Whovians (Whovians who haven't gotten to the Doctor's death), don't read this. It might have spoilers, and definitely has false information to alter some spoilers.

So, the video up there is about the British television show called Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a sci-fi-ish show about a space and time traveling alien (the last of the Time Lords from the planet of Gallifrey) known as the Doctor.

Gallifrey was destroyed by the Doctor in a regeneration that he didn't call himself the Doctor.

He travels with his T.A.R.D.I.S. (the TARDIS, a.k.a. Tardis, stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space) and a most often human companion.

Doctor Who originally ran in the 60's-80's era and had a comeback in 2005.

The show has become increasingly popular in America. The Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, was an amazing Doctor. This song, the Doctor is Dying, is about the Tenth Doctor's death.

Before he died, there were hints that he would. He was told by a creature known as an Ood (the squid faced looking thing, no offense to it) that his song was ending soon. He was told, "Your song will end when he knocks four times."

The Doctor's people, the Time Lords, can come back to life. Regeneration. Their appearance and personality change, more drastically in appearance. The Doctor said that when he regenerates, he actually dies and "some new man saunters away."

At the time the Doctor was fighting an enemy of his, who calls himself the Master. The Master is another Time Lord, but he was brought back to life unnaturally. He didn't regenerate, he actually died and was brought back. The Master is insane and can hear a sound in his head all the time. He calls it "the sound of drums, calling [him] to war."

The Master was trying to bring back Gallifrey. The people of Gallifrey, Time Lords, left the Master a message. A white point star, a diamond only found on Gallifrey. It was a trap. If he succeeded in his plan, he would knock the planet Earth off its axis and kill all humans. All life of Earth would die. The Doctor was fighting, not only for himself, but for humans and against his own people, in turn saving the universe.

Before he sacrificed himself to save someone, the Doctor yelled a few words. They were "I could do so much more!" However, his last words were "I don't want to go."

The Doctor, inevitably, gets caught in a trap. A two person chamber leaking radiation. After he stops the Master, his companion at the time, Wilfred, knocks to get the Doctor's attention for help. Wilfred knocked four times. The Doctor got in the other chamber- the only way to free Wilfred.

He just barely managed to stop the Master and the Time Lords. "I'll sing you to your sleep" was another thing the Ood had told the Doctor.

The Doctor explained to Wilfred that the chambers were leaking radiation and that he was going to die. He thought he did for a second, but he didn't, not right then, but he let Wilfred think he was okay.

He took Wilfred back to his home, which he shared with his daughter and granddaughter. His granddaughter had been a former companion of the Doctor. Her name is Donna Noble, but she was forced to forget everything about the Doctor or she would die.

Next, he took a visit to another of his former companions, Martha Jones. He saved her life.

He found a former companion, Captain Jack Harkness, and offered him a place as his companion. Jack refused.

After those, he went back in time to before his first companion in the comeback series, Rose Tyler, knew him.

He went into the TARDIS and started to regenerate. His last words were "I don't want to go," as I mentioned. Then he regenerated in a fiery explosion that caused immense pain to him.

The last lyrics of the song are the chorus backwards.

In the last part of the video (the whole video was illustrated, drawn, not filmed), it shows the Doctor regenerate. It shows the face of David Tennant screaming. His face transforms to the face of the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, still screaming. Then, the regeneration is nearly over. It depicts the new Doctor, falling but landing, the new man, as the Tenth Doctor had put it.

So, if anyone read that, you have a strong mind. Here's another cookie! (::) I enjoyed writing that so much. SO MUCH WHOVIAN POWER. For you new Whovians, if you read that you probably died or something xD and random people who read it probably didn't get any of that, even though it's a pretty basic explanation for a Whovian. And seasoned Whovians just nodded sadly and either looked this stuff up as they went or remembered it.

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