74. Ten/Eleven

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A few Doctor Who things:

Reminisce- Eleven reminds me of Ten. Seriously, they are very alike but different at the same time.

Regenerations (starting (kinda) with Nine and ending with Twelve)- How, just how did Nine regenerate into Ten? They're so... different. Personality, the face... so different. I can understand how Ten turned into Eleven. They look different but act alike sometimes. And then there's the Eleven to Twelve transformation... What the heck happened there? (Don't tell me I just got to season 6)

Rory- I have a book character named Rory but that Rory's a jerk. Gonna change his name now -.- Rory's cool. Ask my cousin, she was freaking out at a concert because she saw a guy who looked like him.

I'm weird, I know. But this is one of my new favorite shows. I might even re-watch a few episodes... but DEFINITELY NOT the episodes with the Family of Blood. My brain almost exploded with frustration there. I think you guys might agree with me there.

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