101. Religion Camp

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My religion camp was awesome! I'd tell you the name of it but then you could stalk me and figure out where I live o.o creepy

Well, today was the last day, sadly. We started it with getting there, choosing teams, choosing team names (I was on team Buttered Biscuits and the other team was Whipped Cream. My team and its name was awesome xD), going to a park three blocks away, and filling wiffleballs (it however you spell it) with shaving cream.

The Biscuits and the Whipped Cream people split up for a game of baseball with the wiffleballs. One of my team's directors had an idea- we would all charge at the opposite team with hands full of shaving cream. It was awesome and it worked xD my glasses got completely smeared with it though.

We had an all out war after that haha. I got this kid two or three times, just because he was trying to run >:). We played a few games then we went to a nearby creek (seriously right next to the park) and most of us went in, it was awesome, freezing cold, and it felt good. It washed away the shaving cream for sure.

We walked back and went to the playground part of the park for a few minutes and said the Night Prayer. And chill, the directors are certified by our Church to say the prayer. I bet we sounded like a cult... We prayed and sang songs in different languages (our natural English and Latin) plus we were standing in a circle, sooooo....

Well, then we got snacks and went back to the building we'd arrived to. The director with the shaving cream charging plan threw grapes into another director's mouth and several students'. The Buttered Biscuits won the game xD

So, all in all, it was awesome. To bad GreekWizard wasn't there, it would've been even better. But it was still amazing!

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