71. Daleks

19 5 0

Seriously, why do they keep coming back?! It's kind of getting annoying.

Anyway, I'm still calling Eleven Matt, even though I've kinda accepted him. It's just too soon and too late after Ten right now... ugh seriously STOP IT BRAIN

I think I'm fine now. Matt isn't that bad, he's actually pretty funny, but slightly oblivious to some things around him. Wait, how can I say that when he tracked down Rory's name tag in the first episode he was in for over 2 minutes...?

I don't even know what is up with my head today. I'm still not feeling too good, I'm watching Doctor Who, I haven't really had anything to eat except for some Oreos (best cookie ever invented) and a banana, and I haven't had much water today. One bottle.

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