112. Shopping >:)

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Yesterday my grandma and I went shopping. Well, she got a manicure-pedicure and gave me a list to zoom about Walmart and buy yummy stuff lol

I got the stuff on the list (except for the ham. I couldn't find the ham.) and some stuff off the list. Off the list, I got Oreos, some really tasty crackers, apples, 3 kinds of cheese (Swiss, sharp cheddar, and muenster), grapes, a Lunchable (I like the pizza ones), other random things, and a pineapple.

Yes, yeah, yesh, yas, yash, I randomly bought a pineapple. That's because I was (and still am) a crazy, hungry girl who just happened to be unsupervised in her nearest Walmart.

It is amazing what kind of things you can write just after waking up and splashing water on your face.

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