150. Yasss

33 6 8

Jaid. I ship it.

Explanation: two characters from Criminal Minds, JJ and Reid, are seriously like perfect together even though JJ is married.

I created a ship name: Jaid. The 'Ja' from JJ's last name (her name is Jennifer Jareau) and the 'id' from Reid's last name (his name is Spencer Reid).

Why? They're just perfect. JJ's the only person in the world who calls him Spence. Plus, she was the most torn up when he got kidnapped for like the millionth time (that time, it was by Tobias Hankel Jr.) (seriously I think he was hired to be the cute little innocent genius who gets kidnapped).

It could just be that JJ was with Reid, tracking down a killer, when he got kidnapped... Or that she was both sad at the loss of a friend and dreaded telling her son, Reid's godson, that 'Uncle Spencer' was gone...

But no. They're perfect.

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