107. Alone Time part Two

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Now she's throwing stuff at me and stealing my blankets. I'm just plain ignoring her as she bites various parts of my body. She's asking how loud my music is and it's at 1/16.

She's also dragging my leg off of my bed by biting my foot and dragging my foot by the socks. She has my sock in her mouth and is twisting my toes.

Now she just threw my other sock at my face, pulled off the other sock with her mouth, slapped me with it, threw it at my face, bit my bare foot, dragged my socks off again, slapped my feet with the socks, put them in the hallway, crushed my feet against my bed, slapped my left foot with the one sock she still has, twisted my toes again, put the sock on her rights hand (she's left handed), is cracking my toes, and started punching/hitting them.

I thought she was done until she jumped on my knees, stole my pillow, started hitting me with it, hit my ceiling fan, threw it at my face, took it away, threw it at my face again, took it away again, threw it past my face, took it away again, and ran down the stairs with it.

I bet none of you read that. If you did, here's an Internet cookie! (::) But if it's Luna346 (my sister) you don't get a cookie -.-

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