120. School/Another Dream

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1. The dream: I had a nightmare that all of my apps updated. It was a nightmare because my Doctor Who app doesn't have episodes in the next update o.o

2. School: School's coming up and I'm remembering last year. On one of the last days of school, I remember when these younger kids were bothering me and some other kids in my class. So I helped the other kids by catching kickballs that they bothered those kids with.

I know, it seems mean, but they bit this one kid.

Once, I caught a kickball from this kid who my friends think likes me and who they think I like.

They started screaming, "Go, (my name)!" "Go, (the kid's name)! I know you like her!!!" And a few ship names and GreekWizard yelled "OTP! (The ship name) is my OTP!" It was kinda freaky.

It was seriously like a nightmare and the kid looked both confused and he was kinda laughing at them.

That, my readers, is why the word OTP gives me shivers xD when I look back at it I realize how funny it really was. It's a really vivid memory because I was really exasperated at my friends and perfectly tossed the ball backwards over my head to another kid, who caught it.

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