16. New Book...?

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I'm thinking about publishing the first part of a book I'm working on tell me what you think! Here's a description that I just made up:

12-year-old Isabel 'Izzy' Renée Morgan has lived a fairly good, normal life. She's smart, gets good grades, and has plenty of friends. One day, something very strange happens... her least favorite teacher faints in the middle of class and blames it on her.

She is sent home and grounded, and, wanting to go outside, tries to open the locked door. It opens and she falls, injuring her arm and nose.

The day after, when she gets home from school, she sees her favorite substitute teacher, Mr. Carlyle, talking to her parents about sending her to a new school. Her parents tell her something to explain what's going on...

Izzy is a witch, being transferred late to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

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