69. Some Random Regeneration Quotes From Matt

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If I still need to explain...

Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor. He hasn't proven himself to me to be the Doctor yet, so I'm calling him Matt. I know, I sound bossy, but I still miss Ten. You guys are probably sick of me saying that but STILL BRING TEN BACK! I mean, Matt is weird enough to be the Doctor, but Ten is the best. Here's a few quotes:

"Bacon! Bacon. That's bacon. Are you trying to poison me?"

"Beans. You see? Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans." (Mighta accidentally switched a few words around here)

"*throws bread out door* and STAY OUT!"

"We've got some cowboys in here. Not actual cowboys, though that can happen..."

PS Matt has cursed twice in the first 9 minutes and 20 seconds he's been there. At least, that I've heard...

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