20. Dreams...

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I had a creepy dream a few days ago hehe didn't have Wifi to update. OH YEAH update... Over my trip, lots of my relatives came, I caught another bass and 3 Northerns, and I just got back today, got there on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Anyway, the dream.

I was at some random place (in the dream) and I only clearly remember three people: 123AKK08, a classmate who I shall call Paul, and myself. The only reason I remember us is because 123AKK08 is my friend and Paul and I (123AKK08 too) got shot... 123AKK08 was shot in her right arm and Paul and I were both shot in the same spot, right next to the heart, in the chest. In the dream, I remember falling and waking up later (still in the dream) in a hospital on one of those hospital beds in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). My bed was next to Paul's and a random old guy's. I was asking how 123AKK08 was and annoying the doctors. I apologized to either Paul or the old guy for something I don't remember. I don't remember because I woke up right then. End of dream.

To 123AKK08: I gave you a simpler version. I wrote this shortly after waking up and updated it a bit for the cabin news.

To all of you: Any weird dreams? What do you think of this one, is it not spectacularly weird?

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