Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Jax? What the hell are you doing? It's one in the morning!"

I was currently looking out my window to see Jax sitting on my fire escape. He had a smug look on his face that I wanted to punch off.

"Get dressed, we're going somewhere." He said.

I frowned. "Where?"

He ignored my question and tapped his wrist impatiently even though there wasn't even a watch there. "Just hurry."

Groaning, I quickly and quietly got dressed into blue jeans, a white shirt, and my leather jacket. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I climbed out the window.

Then I punched Jax in the stomach.

"Ah! What the fuck was that for?" he groaned, clutching his torso.

"That's for waking me up in the wee hours of Saturday morning."

After Jax regained himself and was able to stand up without cursing at me, we climbed down my fire escape and started towards the front of Jax's house.

"A motorcycle, why am I not surprised?" I said when I saw a beautiful motorcycle standing in his driveway.

I bent down on my haunches and ran my fingers across the smooth material. "Is this a Dyna?"

He nodded, grinning. "I'm impressed. You know your bikes."

Chuckling, I hopped onto the back seat and wrapped my arms around Jax's waist. He felt firm and strong, which I like because that's how I felt safe.

Hanging on tightly, we drove through the lit up night. Cars honking and sirens whirring all over the city brought me back to life. Some people find disturbance in the New York life, but I found the uttermost comfort.

Street lamps whizzed past us and the Brooklyn city lights were slowly approaching us from the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge. When we went on the bridge, I looked up and smiled as Jax navigated.

When we finally got into the busiest part of Brooklyn, memories came flooding back to me. I remembered the sidewalk to my left where Dad, Mom, and I all walked on my tenth birthday to get strawberry filled donuts and powdered beignets from my favorite bakery.

When Jax turned a corner, the bike slowed to a stop in front of a very large warehouse looking structure. This part of Brooklyn was darker than the other parts, and was only lit up from the lights of other building a few blocks over.

There was loud music pumping out from the inside of the building, and I was drawn to it in a weird kind of way.

"Where are we?" I asked, getting off the bike.

Jax only waved me in and grinned mischievously. As I followed him in, I instantly noticed the groups of people. They were all crowded around one person, too. In one group, the one guy had on yellow and black leather pants, jacket, and boots. It looked like he was going race.

I looked at Jax. "You race cars?"

He nodded with a triumphant look on his face. I shook my head slowly. "Isn't that dangerous? And illegal here?"

He shrugged. "I don't know if it's exactly legal since we haven't approved it or anything, but I'm still alive, aren't I?"

Rubbing my temples, I groaned. "God, you're frustrating."

He nudged my shoulder and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. I couldn't help the tingling feeling I had in my fingertips as they held his, and was immediately confused with myself. As we made our way through the crowds, the loud music was starting to make my ears pop.

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