Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


    The following evening, I picked June up at 4 o'clock to take her dress shopping for the upcoming dance. She came out in some simple light washed jeans with holes and a yellow t-shirt, but I couldn't help the warm and tingly feeling that erupted in my chest at the sight of her.

    "Hey," she said, kissing me before hopping onto the back of my bike. "Ready?"

    Nodding, we sped off towards the city.

    I had looked up some nice dress stores earlier that day, so I headed down a busy street until we came to a halt in front of a dress shop.

   When I opened the door, a bell chimed above me, signaling our entrance. Holding June's hand, we made our way to some of the formal dresses.

    "How about I pick some and you pick some, then you can try them on and see which ones you like?" I asked.

    June smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and then went off in the other direction to find a dress.

    It took a good fifteen minutes before my arms were full with different assortments of dresses in a variety of colors and designs. I met up with June who also had her arms full, and we went inside one of the changing rooms to hang them up.

    "Sure you don't want me to stay in here?" I winked, pulling her close.

    "Ha. Go sit outside. I'll be out in a second," she spun me around and pushed me out.

    I walked around the carpeted area with mirrors and looked at myself in one of them. I looked at my messy dark hair and my dark eyes. I looked at my shoes which were a black suede and my outfit consisting of a nice grey, long sleeved v neck shirt with some dark blue jeans. I had thought that maybe June would like it, and spent almost thirty minutes choosing the outfit.

    I was actually trying.

    The thing was, I didn't mind dressing up for her. I liked it, even. And even when she would tell me that I looked good in anything, I wanted to impress her. I wanted to let other people know that she was my girlfriend. I wanted to make a statement on how much I cared about her.

    "What do you think?"

    Turning around, I grinned widely at the sight before me. June, in a dark red dress that swooped down to her toes, looked enchanting.

    "Wow," I said, walking towards her and spinning her around. "You look really, really good in red."

    She threw her head back and laughed; a sight for sore eyes. "Thank you, but I'm going to try on the others and see what I think," she said, and turning back around, headed into the dressing room once more.

    In and out she went, the curtain to the room swishing behind her. A light green dress, a pastel orange one, a pink, purple, tan, white, and black one. Dress after dress was put on, and to be honest, she looked super hot in all of them. But I think the red one really did it.

    5 dresses later, June and I were exhausted and I could tell that she was tired from putting all that stuff on. But she went back in to try on one more dress as I leaned back and slowly let my eyes close...

    "Last one."

    "Hmm, it looks nice."

    "Jax, you're not even looking."

    Chuckling, I opened my eyes slowly, and then my breath caught in my throat.


    She had on this rich, deep, royal blue color that made her eyes pop. A stunning and simple dress that looked like silk and flowed down to her toes. The waist part was covered in a hundred tiny crystal looking jewels, and the top had a slight slit over her chest as the same type of jewels came up and wrapped around her neck elegantly.

    "Oh my God..." I whispered.

    "So," she smiled, "What do you think?"

    I stood up, still trying to make my heart speed down, and went to her. I took her hands in mine and spun her around once... twice... she looked like an angel.

    "I think this is the one," I said.

    June sighed, wiping her forehead. "Oh thank goodness. Putting on dresses is such a hassle and completely wore me out."

    I laughed, taking her face in my hands and kissing her. She tasted like cherry candy and clouds. She tasted like a sunny day where the weather was perfect. It was like nothing I've ever felt before. Nothing I've ever experienced.

    "What was that for?" she whispered against my lips, grinning.

    "Nothing. I just wanted to let you know that you're so amazing in every way. And you look extraordinary in this dress."

    June's cheeks flamed as she tucked her face into my chest. I was pretty sure my heart was about to explode.

    "You spoil me, you know that?" she pointed jokingly, backing up to get changed.

    Chuckling, I nodded, leaning back against the arm of the couch.

    "I know, baby. I know."



    "Do you really think so?" I asked, looking at Vince with a weird expression. "Because I swear to God if he messes with anything this time..."

    "Relax," he said, taking a drink of water. "I doubt he'll do anything stupid enough to get him kicked out of the race again. He's learned his lesson. You'll be fine."

    We had met up earlier and we're currently talking about how we were going to solve this Cody issue. It wasn't like him to just show up out of nowhere and fake his friendliness, so I decided to keep an eye on him.

    "He seems to have some sort of interest in June," I huffed angrily, picking at the food with my fork. "I mean, back off! He obviously doesn't get the hint that she doesn't like him. And I'm the one who's dating her! Not him!"

    Vince smiled knowingly, a secretive smirk on his face. "So you really like her, huh?"

    I looked up, smiling. "Yeah, I do. Like a lot." Sighing, I rubbed my hand over my face and shoved my hair back. "June's just so... original, you know? She's unique in her own special kind of way that intrigues me. And at first I liked her just because it was so obvious we had an attraction to each other, but then I kissed her, and she kissed me back and she's made the past month the best month of my life."

    Looking back at Vince, I saw that he had been smiling this whole time; trying to hold in a laugh.


    "She has you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she?"

    I scoffed, ignoring his comment. "June's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

    Then Vincent's smile faded as realization crossed his features. "Damn. You're not joking, are you?"

    I shook my head dumbly. "Nope."

    He let out a deep sigh, leaned back in his chair, and grinned at me. "I'm happy that you're happy, Jax."

    I grinned back at him, nodding. "I'm very happy, indeed."



    Okie dokie I apologize that this is a fairly short chapter but I just wanted to do Jax's POV and to show how much he really does care for her.

    I hope your weekend was filled with great things! I, for one, was attacked by a raccoon while walking in a field nearby my house. And by attacked, I mean the raccoon literally JUMPED OUT OF THE DAMN TALL GRASS AND HISSED AT ME AND CHASED ME TO THE GATE.

    Okay well, I hope you all have a fantastic, raccoon-less day, much love,


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