Chapter 28

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  Chapter 28

"Come to Florida with me."

Looking up from my book, I stared at Jax who was sitting on the edge of my bed, massaging my feet. "What?"

"You heard me," he chuckled, "Florida. Let's go."

"Why Florida?"

"Well, the semi finals are being held there this weekend, and I'm competing there, so I wanted to bring you along. And it's spring break."

"Florida, huh?" I said, thinking it over. "I'll have to ask my dad, of course, but he'll probably let me. What about tickets?"

"The committee hosting the race has got that covered, including the plus ones. That would be you."

I clapped my hands, now excited that we had an exciting trip ahead of us. "Alright then. Where are we staying?"

"Miami. There's a hotel where all the contestants are staying that's right on the beach, so that'll be nice."

I leapt forward and hugged Jax tightly. "Yay! I've never been to a beach before."

He pulled back and looked at me with wide eyes. "Seriously? Not even when you were little?"

I shook my head. "Nope. We've always been more of a mountain loving family."

"I'm really glad I invited you then," he smiled, and pecked my lips. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."

Getting up from my bed, I checked my phone and saw that I had gotten a text.

Unknown: Watch your back, June. Wouldn't want you to get... hurt.

Frowning, I reread the text and answered back, asking who it was. But there was no answer.

"What's wrong?" Jax asked.

I turned off my phone and shook my head. "Nothing, just a wrong number."

"Okay, c'mon then."

Following Jax, I let him take me to lunch on his bike, but no matter what, I couldn't help to think that the text wasn't just some silly prank to scare me a little.

After lunch, Jax dropped me off since I wanted to ask my dad about Miami.

"Hey Dad," I said once I walked in, kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie," he smiled.

"Whatcha cooking?" I asked, looking into the frying pan.

"Some chicken spaghetti and asparagus, sound good?"

I nodded. "But it's only 1 o'clock. Do you have to go to work soon?"

"Yeah, I have a meeting tonight, so if it's okay with you, we'll eat early, yeah?"

"Sure thing," I said, taking a piece of cooked chicken and plopping it in my mouth. "Oh, and can I go to Miami with Jax this week?"

Dad stopped moving around and turned to me with a blank expression. "For what?"

"Well, he made it to the semi finals, and they're being held there. He was allowed a plus one... so he invited me to come along. Just for this week, since it's spring break."

I could practically see the gears moving around in his head as he pondered whether or not he should let me go to Miami with Jax.

"Is it just going to be the two of you?"

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