Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Before I knew it, we were in Miami, Florida.

The first thing noticed were the giant, towering palm trees that lined the sides of the roads. The moment I stepped out of the airport doors, I saw one, and I couldn't help the giddy and happy feeling inside.

I loved palm trees. They were just beautiful and amazing and I could never get tired of seeing them.

"It's so hot," I heard Jax say from beside me. He was fanning himself with a map.

"Sorry," I replied.

"Ha ha," he remarked, rolling his eyes. "I think I'm about to die."

"Oh come on, it's not even bad!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up and spinning in circles. "It's paradise, really."

"Hmm," and then suddenly Jax was right behind me, his mouth to my ear. "Let's go find our hotel. I'm tired and I want to just fall asleep with you already."

Feeling warm, I nodded and grabbed my suitcase; Jax getting his. We had a rental car ready for us at the front, so all we had to do was get in, enter the hotel address into the GPS, and off we go.

On our way, I rolled down the window and stuck my head out, letting the warm air run over my cheeks with grace as I watched the city zoom by us. Jax drove easily with one arm draped casually across the steering wheel and the other on my thigh. My greatest weakness...

When we arrived to the hotel, my heart jumped in joy that it was literally right on the beach; the ocean in our sights.

"Oh wow," I sighed, looking up at the hotel once we went inside the lobby. Windows adorned the ceiling and walls as they let the sunlight beam through. It was astounding.

As Jax went to the front desk to check in, I wandered about, going outside to see the green grass, palm trees, and sandy beach. I could definitely get used to this.

Once Jax finished, we took the elevator up to the 19th floor and found our room. The moment we stepped inside, my arms and legs instantly felt heavy with exhaustion.

"We made it," Jax said, kissing my cheek and setting our bags down against the wall. "And I'm beat."

"Me too," I said, and walked over to the window. I could see palm trees underneath us and the ocean was so close I could imagine feeling the cool water against my skin.

"Ahhhhh, finally. Some sleep sounds really good right now," I heard Jax say as he plopped himself down on the, of course, one bed.

"You're so lucky my dad likes you," I started, climbing on top of the covers and resting my chin on his chest. "Or else he would be hell bent on beating your ass if he found out we were sharing a bed."

He chuckled, chest rumbling under my hands. "Your dad thinks I'm a saint, remember?"

Rolling my eyes, I rolled over and sunk my head into the soft pillow. "Yeah, I have no clue how you got that idea in his head."

Jax twisted so that he was on his side and had one arm around my waist. "Let's get some sleep, then we can go down to the beach later."

Nodding, I didn't think twice about it before I fell into a peaceful sleep.


We finally woke up at around 6 p.m., feeling alive and hungry. I walked to the doors that led to the balcony and stood outside, enjoying the beach air and the view of the ocean.

"Alright, so tonight is our night to do whatever the hell we want, but then for the next three days I'll be busy checking in with everything at the race and putting finishing touches on my car along with practicing on their track. So you're welcome to come and watch or sightsee around, I don't mind," Jax said.

"Okie dokie," I said, coming back inside. "When's the big dinner?"

"Thursday night, then the race is Friday."

Smiling, I clapped my hands together and zipped open my bag. "Then let's change into our bathing suits and go! I want to swim."

Chuckling, Jax nodded and grabbed his bathing suit. "Don't forget sunscreen. And a towel. And the key card. Oh! I almost forgot, don't forget your sweet ass body and that beautiful face of yours," then with a wink, he disappeared into the bathroom.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I quickly changed into my bathing suit and put on a yellow sundress with sandals. Soon enough Jax came out wearing his swim shorts and a shirt. We were ready to go.

Once we got to the beach, which was a quick 5 minute walk, my mood got even better from then on. The feeling of sand between my toes and the cold water against my skin made me feel so light and carefree. We stayed on the beach for about an hour or so before I heard Jax's stomach grumble.

"Hungry, huh?" I teased, laughing about how loud his stomach was.

He nodded as we made our way to our towels, dried off, and headed to one of the many restaurants on the beach. We finally decided on a cute little open restaurant a ways down from where we started off.

We got a table for two outside so we could still enjoy the nice weather and the sight of the beach waves and sunset. The other people in the restaurant were all talking and laughing and enjoying themselves just like we were. Dinner was fantastic, as we shared a plate of crawfish and had some other seafood as well. Afterwards, we walked back to our hotel, hand in hand, and quickly took a shower.

Plopping down on the bed, I curled up against Jax and rested my head on his chest. "I had fun today, thank you."

He grinned ear to ear. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I had a lot of fun today, too. We'll have to do this more often."

"What, come down to the beach?" I asked.

He nodded. "Any break we can get is worth it. I'd love to go places with you outside of New York, you know?"

Smiling, I closed my eyes and nodded softly. Traveling anywhere with Jax would be amazing... just being with him is amazing. As I laid there, thinking about all the places we could go, I realized that Jax had fallen asleep, his breaths steady and deep.

It was a sight for sore eyes, I'll tell you. So soon after, I followed him into blissful sleep... his arms wrapped around me in warmth.



I'm so so SO sorry that it's been FOREVER since I've updated but I was hella busy with finals and exams and school ending and WHOO HOO SCHOOLS OUT BITCHES!

But seriously my apologies for the delay and I know that this chapter wasn't fantastical but trust me I'm trying my angels I'm trying. I've been having some writers block for this book lately and I kind of want to just punch myself in the face because NO IDEAS WERE COMING TO ME AT ALL!! It was very frustrating.

But hey on a good note I have many ideas for other books I'm going to start and of course they're Bad Boy themed ;)

But one of them is going to be a supernatural / fantasy / romance ( of course ) kind of book so I'm really excited about that because I've never written a book that involves characters with abnormal abilities and that's always been something I've been interested in so yay!

Updates most likely will be a bit slower now during the summer because I'm still very busy with traveling and just chilling or whatever the hell I do in my free time besides binge watch That 70's Show.

Any ways, I hope you all have an amazing summer, much love,

- Anne :)

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