Chapter 16

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Ian walked through the corridor with an exploration group. The group consisted of Him, Bodil, Ty, and Cupquake. "Lets check this door," Ty suggested, pointing to a green door. they opened it, and found it to be empty. Next they checked a blue door. It had an indoor swimming pool. "Squid would've loved this." Ian said sadly. Squid was ultimate swimmer. The next one had parkour. Bodil climbed to the top and found a chest. "Guys! There is good loot!" He shouted, pulling out a bow and arrow. He took it with him, for self defense.
They continued on for about an hour, before heading back. They walked past the green door again. "G-g-guys?" Cupquake said shakily. She pointed to the bottom of the door. Bright pink blood was sleeping out. Ian tried to open the door, but it was locked. Bodil pushed him aside, pulling an arrow out of his quiver, "I've got this," is all he said as he picked the lock. The door swung open, and Cupquake screamed.

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