"Yeah. We are."

            "And Stiles?" He had been staring at the chair so when he turned he tripped over his feet and fell. My hand tried to cover my mouth and hide the giggles that were forming but it didn't work so Stiles grabbed my ankle pulling me to the ground. 

     "Stiles let go of me. I need you to drive me home. I'm attending that party. Also, we have to keep an eye on Scott." He stared dumbfound at me and I flicked him in the ear. "Ow! Wha-what?" He snapped, standing up quickly and grabbing my hand to pull me up, too. 

      "I need a ride home and a ride to the party. So get dressed, I'll be downstairs." He nodded and I slid out the door. "Oh hey, Mr. Stilinski. Didn't know you'd be home." I chirped. Sheriff Stilinski was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, or at least it looked like coffee and a bunch of files over the table. 

       "Hi, Jayla. Are you leaving?" I shook my head and sat at the table next to him. "Oh, no. Stiles is getting changed, we're going to a party." Stilinski looked at me with a glint in his eye. "Like a date kind of party?" He interrogated. 

          "Oh, no way. It's actually Lydia's party. She invited me because Scott's starting first line and I didn't want to stand alone by the food bar the whole time, so I figured why not ask Stiles to come." I started.

        "So he's coming and hopefully, it'll be less awkward you know? Because parties are awkward when you don't know anybody and Scott's going with this girl named Allison so obviously I'd be like third wheeling and I-I'm rambling aren't I?" The last words were muttered and my cheeks slightly flared up. 

          The sheriff chuckled and patted my hands that were clasped together on the table. "You need a day off from hanging out with Stiles." I laughed and nodded.

          "I've never heard such a true sentence. Maybe more than just one, but you didn't hear it from me." 

           He smiled at me and went back to look over a file as Stiles tumbled into the room. "I'm uh, ready." He had on a blazer with a t-shirt underneath it. I stood and waved at the sheriff. 

         "See ya stilinski." I said. 

        He half waved back. "Bye Jayla."

          We walked out the door and right away Stiles groaned. "I swear my dad likes you more than me." Once I got in the jeep I buckled up.

         "Don't say that Stiles. Your dad loves you." Stiles looked at me while he was driving and I slapped his arm. No way was I dying in a car accident tonight.

      "Both eyes on the road Stilinski." I shamed, pointing my finger at him. He laughed faintly and shook his head. 

      "Maybe I only want to have one eye on the road." He attempted to sound snarky but in reality it just made him sound like he could shift into a reptile.

           "What are you a freaking chameleon?"

          "I could be. I mean Scott's a werewolf. Next thing you know you're gonna have a fairy sneeze on you and turn into Tinker Bell." He spoke, his hand waving as he spoke, gesturing to me as his voice squeaked out the little fairy's name.

           I gasped. "Stilinski. You did not just call me Tinker Bell when we know full well I would be Silvermist? Really? I should disown you. Right here on this night." I stated, tilting my body sideways to look at him, my eyebrows raised.

          "No, you so would not. You need attention or you'll die. You'll have to try harder than that to be Silvermist." He explained before speeding through a yellow light.

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