I felt a hand on my thighs and without guessing I know it's Harry's I just shoved them off, I looked at him and completed eating. I felt a hand again in my thighs, but this time it was higher.

"Stop it Harry" I pushed his hands " What are you doing" I whispered so only he can hear me

"I'm not doing anything my hand have its own mind, " he paused and then added coming closer to my ears "among other things."

I know I turned red that moment and all he did is smirk, that smirk that makes him extra hot and sexy as fuck. What am I sayin?

We finished eating when mom said "Amara why don't you show Harry the place while me and his mom talk about work"

I nodded

"Follow me, Harry"

"I'll follow you to the moon if you want me to, " he said, only I can hear. I blushed and walked, he followed me.

Why is this jerk making me feel this way, my ex Louis didn't make me feel like this. He did, but not as nervous as this jerk is making me feel.

"Show me your room, " he said winking


"You heard me, I want to see your room"

"You know you're a creep right?"

"Just for you"

"Wow, where did that bad boy ego went"

"Just show me your room"

"Since you said it so politely. It will be the last stop" I paused, then looked at him again "Maybe not" I winked teasing him.

"Damn girl, you're killing me here" He places his hands on his chest like he was hurting. 

I took him around the house until we arrived my room. I pointed at my door and said "That's my room, now let's go down the tour has ended."

"No, it did not, I came to this crappy tour to see your room" he frowned

"I don't care, let's go" I turned around and added "It wasn't crappy you just have a dirty mind and all you think about is my ro-" I didn't complete my sentence, he took my hand and sent shivers all over my body and pulled me to my room.

"Nice" he frowned "Wait there is more" He walked around

"Don't" I slapped my forehead 

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