I wanted to rush home, I really wanted to call him but everyone said I shouldn't. So many people were missing out on quality time with all of us... including my boyfriend. Who knows the next time I would see Will?! When we all finally finished eating I ran to the car. Hopefully Will was at the Cube house.


I rushed out of the car and everyone followed behind. Just my luck, my uber driver was the last one to get to the house. I bet you everyone was partying and having fun on the last day without me. When I got to the front door, it was locked. I rang the doorbell countless times, I screamed, and I even called everyone. No answer. No response.

Were they ignoring me? I felt a sudden uneasy feeling in my stomach, I didn't feel okay. I didn't like it. I sat down in front of the door to rest a bit and started thinking about the time Will told me he accidently left the stream on and everyone found out. Good times. Actually, no I was scared to death.


My phone began to ring and it turned out it be Will. Why was he calling me? I just got off a FaceTime with him. I answered the phone call and Will was panicking.

"Lexi, I forgot to end the stream!" Will panicked.

"Forgot to end the stream! What the hell do you mean?!" I screamed.

"Everyone knows, THEY KNOW IT'S A LIE!" He yelled back.

I was scared, everyone now knows. I was scared to check my feed, I was scared to even hang up the call. I was scared to be called a... Fake.


I'm screwed.

Flashback over

I laughed at he memories, through all the shit that has happened. Look where I am now? Locked out of the cube house, I'm kidding. With Will.

I turned around and saw the door swing open. It was Will, I ran over and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. My love.

"Come inside, it's a surprise," Will grabbed my hand and lead me towards the dining room of the cube house on the dining table held a gift basket with a blue ribbon wrapped around the handle, a framed photo of him & I on the space needle, and a bouquet of roses. I began to shed tears of joy as Will wrapped his arms around me. It made me happy, just like when we made it official and I didn't have to live in a lie anymore.


I couldn't believe it, Will just asked me out of a date. There was one thing I couldn't wait for though, and it was for us to make things official I didn't want to be going on a date with him and I couldn't call him mine. These past months have made me fallen in love with Will and I finally wanted to tie the knot and make it official. So I did...

"Yes, yes I will. Wait, On one condition though," I smirked.

"And what is that condition?" Will cocked an eyebrow.

"William, will you do the honors of making things official. Will you be my boyfriend? I don't want to go on the date as friends, I want to go as a team, as boyfriend and girlfriend?" I smiled but on the inside I was shaking and was anxious for his answer.

"Oh Lexi, I think you know what I'm going to say," He chuckled. I did it.

I guess you can now call him mine.

Flashback over

The guy on my computer screen, is now also the guy that will forever hold a special spot in my heart.


Will's P.O.V

"I love you Will," Lexi said as she cuddled up towards me in the car to the airport. Alyssa and Jordan were sitting in the front driving while we were in the back. Jordan was silent because we dropped of Emmalie an hour ago, his eyes are still red from the amount of tears he shed. This is the final hour. The final hour with my girlfriend. This is it.

"I love you, too," I whispered into her ear as I kissed her forehead.


Lexi walked me to the front of the terminal and hugged me. We had 15 extra minutes. All I could do was hug her back and not say a word. Tears were swelling from her eyes. I can sense it.  This is where she's going to let me go back home to England. This is where I say goodbye to the Seattle girl I have fallen in love with.

Hugging her made me remember a ton of memories, I mainly remembered the time when we hugged for the first time and all the distance between us was broken...


"Will..." Lexi smiled and looked me in my eyes.

"Lexi..." I said slowly then smiled.

I pulled her into a tight hug. The distance was broken. This was long awaited. She felt so right being in my arms and I didn't want to let her go, I was falling in love with her. Heck! I already was in love from the moment I noticed her.

My dear, Lexi Varela.

Flashback over

I was so emotional today. Many tears, many long hugs, and many depressing goodbyes. I don't know the next time I would see all these people again.

"Will, I fucking love you alright? I'm so glad you're in my life and I don't want you out of it okay!" She placed her lips onto mine. It was a long, and passionate kiss. She released from the kiss and rested her head on my shoulder with her arms wrapped around my lower chest. She was crying and soon I realized that I was too. I was hugging her so tight.

Then it was time for me to leave my to my gate. I said my goodbyes to Jordan and Alyssa, and attempted to keep all my tears in.


Tears were falling from my face as I was walking away. Once I entered the security check. I looked back and saw Lexi crying.

"I love you!" I screamed before walking further in and they just kept growing smaller and smaller till I couldn't see them anymore.

I cried, and cried.

I guess I'm back to being....

The guy on her computer screen.

Author's Note:

AND THAT'S A WRAP PEOPLE! I want to thank everyone for the crazy support I've gotten on this story and I didn't picture it getting this far. I love you all <3

This isn't the last of me though, I'm currently writing my Grapeapplesauce fanfic called Carry On. I think you'd like it :) the characters are very different and it's going to be a quite different writing style.

Until Next Time,

(Published 8/24/15)

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