Chapter 12 My Heart Belongs To You

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Robert P.O.V
I have to find her but how the hell will I know where she is?? I'm trying to figure out ways to get her. Without getting us into trouble or killed but so far my plans have gone no where. Fuck my life! She's my main priority and he love of my life and I will not lose her! Wait a minute, Avalon and Camille have been friends since kindergarten. I know this because Ava and I were talking after school. I gave her detention for having her phone out. She was texting Brandon, which I don't like him because that British boy could steal my angel. I have to admit I was jealous but I didn't show it. I'm a really good actor which is ironic because I am one. I'm actually really famous and I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out. She really didn't but I just liked messing with her and I really wanted to talk to her.
Avalon P.O.V
Robert was sitting there with his usual lesson. I was really bored but I paid attention because he makes it really interesting with the British accent. It sounds so familiar from like the Sherlock movie I watched before. He looks exactly like that actor. Oh well. He looks absolutely gorgeous today, not that he doesn't everyday. Today, he looked exceptionally sexy. A fitted, white button up and some jeans. (Today was Friday and teachers got to wear jeans today.) Those jeans hung on his hips in some kind of way that I felt my cheeks heat up. His hair was perfectly a perfect quiff and looked extra fluffy. I wanted to run my hands through and just feel the softness. His toned arms were showing through his white shirt. I literally thought I could melt. As I was checking him out, he paused to look around the room. His eyes met mine and he smirked that adorable, sexy af one. When I was looking at him. I felt my face get super red and looked down at my hands. I always do this when I'm embarrassed or nervous. It's sort of like a habit and I don't really know why I do it. He kept smirking and was it me or the room. Who am I kidding? I'm getting turned on my a simple smirk, how lame can I be? My face still burning hot, my phone vibrated and I swear all of China could hear it. Does that ever happen to anyone else? I took my phone out and saw that Brandon had texted to me to see, if I wanted to go for frozen yogurt. I decided to text him back and say yes. As soon as I was going to text him. Somebody snatched my phone away. I heard silence in the room and I guess Rob is hovering over me. I look up and with an innocent playful smile. I say, "Hey Mr. Downey, what you doing with my phone? Do you want my number or something?" I can hear everyone giggle at my joke. Robert on the other hand, doesn't looked pleased. "Ms. Brandon, would you restrain yourself from making jokes right now. You have detention and you'll get your phone then. If you don't come I'll hunt you down myself." He was looking through my phone and his expression looked more angry. "Hey, why are you looking at my phone!!!" He didn't say anything but just playfully smile. Ugh he is so fucking annoying sometimes! Well I guess I have plans with Robert today instead of Brandon. I really wanted frozen yogurt!
Detention time
Robert P.O.V
Avalon walked in and sat at the back of the room. She looked like she was really irritated at me! Well, at least now she can't go to frozen yogurt with Brandon. I may not be her boyfriend yet but I still get jealous. Well, she goes back there and I look up from grading. I say, "why you sit all the way over there now I have to walk to you." She makes an exasperating noise and I think it's adorable. "Good. You can work off some of that fat ass of yours, old man." She knows I hate when I'm called old. Call me in denial but I just don't like it. I'm only 45 but I still despise that word. "Tsk tsk. You know I don't like that word. I guess someone is mad at me. You wanna go get some frozen yogurt?" She looks up this time. Shocked and angry but I can't blame her. I did read her text. "Did you read my text messages?? How could you?!! Ugh you're so annoying sometimes!" I get her to calm down eventually. We talk for like half an hour. I learned that Avalon and Camille have known each other for a long time. Since, kindergarten and until now. They know every secret about each other that it's scary. Our convo comes to the end and I'm kinda sad. She said that she has to go home. We hug for a really long time it seems. I just want to stay like this forever but sadly that can't happen. I kiss her on her forehead and she kisses on my cheek. She blushes and it's the most beautiful thing ever. I finally found someone that I'm so in love with. I never want to let her go.
End of flashback
Robert P.O.V
I call Camille as quick as I can. She finally picks up on the 3rd ring. "Camille, thank God you picked up! Avalon has been kidnapped by some guy that made her faint!!" I say so desperately. "Okay, calm down Robert. How do you know he did?" She replies, sounding worried. "I just know okay. Some man was looking for her in the hospital. Then an explosion went off and now she's gone. I'm pretty sure if you connect the dots it's him." I tell her exasperated. "Okay, okay I'm pretty sure I know where she is. Their special place was this old warehouse. They had their first at kiss in there. So I suspect she should be there." She finishes. "Wait, they dated? That doesn't matter lets just go!" She gives me the address and I drive to the warehouse.
Avalon P.O.V
I finally got away from him only to be caught again. "Please, don't rape me! I'm begging you I'll do anything!" Tears run down my face as his runs down my inner thigh. "Darling, you're so irresistible right now. You being in your bra and panties. I'd like to do bad things to you. After all, the first time we tried to have sex. You called the police and had me arrested. I should have beat the shit out of you before our sex. You got me arrested for 5 years for sexual abuse. Maybe I should beat you now to teach you a lesson." He had this disgusting smile on and I spit on his face. "Darling, you shouldn't have done that." He smacked me so hard that I was half-conscious. He started kicking me in my side. His foot connected with my mouth and I tasted blood. I'm going to die there's no way I can going. Lying half-conscious on the ground with blood pouring out of my mouth. Christian Grey leans down and whispers in my ear. Do you like this, baby? How bout some punching? He starts punching me and a single tear comes out of my my swollen, black eye. Suddenly, a huge crash comes through the warehouse's door. I see someone standing there. A man I believe but he's so blurry. He runs over and looks at me. Stroking my hair softly. "Avalon! My poor baby girl, what's happen to you?!" I try to talk but nothing but blood comes out. "You son of a bitch, what the hell did you do to Avalon?" The man seems really angry. I wonder how he knows me? "Well, well you must be the famous Robert. OMFG! It's Robert and he's come to save me!! My knight in shining armor! My iron man (* wink* 😉) thank the heavens for him! How did he even find me? Christian keeps on talking. "She didn't listen to my directions to have sex with me. So, I hit her and she's fine so don't worry about it." Christian replies with his face looking twisted and cruel. He kinda looks like Barty Crouch Jr. from Harry Potter. "Are you kidding me?! You bastard, she's not okay! Her mouth is swollen and pouring blood out and she has a swollen, black eye. She also has a huge cut in her right arm. I'm going to kill you!" Unexpectedly, the police rush in and see Robert hovering over me. Robert still looking at Christian with disgust and hatred. The EMTs rush over to me and the police  put Christian into handcuffs. "Darling, I will get out of here and find you." Christian shouts. "I'll kill you and your boyfriend! That's a promise!" He grins and goes away with the police.
Robert P.O.V
I look at Avalon so weak and frail. My beautiful angel, who was so strong in spite of every obstacle. She's laying here motionless but still breathing. Christian left her defenseless. I stroke her hair and talk to her softly. "I'm so sorry, baby! I would've never let him do this to you! Please don't leave me! I love you so much and I always want you to be mine. I want to protect, hold you when you're crying, comfort, be your best friend, and most important of all love you." Her voice is barely audible so I lean down and listen. "Robert I will always love you and I would be honored to be your girlfriend." She breathes. One of the EMTs tells me ride in the ambulance with them. I tell her I love her and we kiss as we drive to the hospital.

Thank you guys for reading!!! I worked so hard on this chapter! I don't know how people write like 50 pages! I hope this is somewhere close to that. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Love you honey bunnies! (P.S. The next chapter will be steamy just heads up. 😏😚💋)

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