Chapter Sixteen

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***I thought this chapter got deleted and I raged quit but then I came back and saw it was all here. This made me so happy. Sorry for the late update.

"We'll continue this when I get back." The 'doctor' told me, then he noded to the men in the room, "Doctors." And showed them the exit to the room.

I have to get out of here. It was my only thought. I broke my wrist feeling the pain shooting up my arm and slipped out of the restraint. My body fell to the side, I winced at the pain. I grabbed the saw on the table and cut through my feet restraints then my hand one making me fall to the ground. I only stayed down for a moment because of the pain shooting through my stomach but I couldn't stay, I didn't know how much time I had. I took the saw with me as I tried the door to find it was locked. Damnit.

I grabbed pliers from the table and started on the hinges. After what felt like forever and lots of pain as it went through my body with every breath, I got it off it's hinges. I threw my body against it making it fall down. I started to go down endless hallways trying to find my way out.

Suddenly I saw Noah at the end of a hall a smile broke out on my face and I ran towards him my feet slapping against the pavement. Ignoring all the pain it was causing me because the stupid idiot was here. But when I went to hug him I went right through. When I looked back he was gone.

I was loosing my mind. Maybe I'm already mad. I thought.

I shook my head thinking about my main objective, getting out of here.

I kept running, seeing Noah a few times with a sad expression each time. But I ignored him chalking it up to me being mentally insane.

I finally found a door and I smiled. But then I felt a barrel of a gun on the back of my head.

"Where do you think you're going?" A man said.

I snapped plain and simple. I turned around and ripped the gun from his hand and twisted his heart in my hand feeling his beating hearr slow. Before I ripped out his heart not caring about him and throwing his heart down. I ran for the door and opened it but it wasn't a door to escape it was a door to an office. And who sat there behind the desk made my heart stop leaving me paralyzed.

"Tristan?" I whispered.

"How do you keep escaping." He growled.

"Don't you know who I am?" I asked.

"You're a monster. You're an experiment." He said simply. He stood up and walked around his desk.

"I'm your sister." I said.

"No my sister died." He said.

"No I got captured and brought here. Tristan you have to help me." I stepped closer.

"The day you got captured you stopped being my 'sister'. Like I said my sister died, and a monster was left, and now all your good for is to be experimented on and then killed." He growled at me, showing his wolf through his eyes. That hurt but I shook it off.

"I'm not a monster. There the monsters. What are you doing here Tristan?" I asked, curious.

"I run this place now. I ran tests on humans to see how evolved they were to see if they were a threat. When I realized they were weak and I found out who you were. What I thought was the only strong human." He looked me up and down, "I knew I was doing it all wrong. I need to be testing wolves to see how strong they are, and how much pain they can with hold. So we know our limitations."

"But we were just kids when I was taken." I said confused.

"That was when the doctor was in control. When I was 19 I stole this from him. I gave this place direction." He explained.

I didn't know what to say, "Why did you bring me back to this place?"

"Like I said you're a monster. You don't care if you kill people. I mean look at you, you're the thing people have nightmares about. You've turned into a monster and you know it. You try and hide it but how many people have you killed since you left here with no guilt?"

I didn't even know. Have I turned into a monster? What have I become? My knees felt weak.

"Exactly. You say we're the scum of the earth, you say we're the monsters, but look in the mirror. You're pathetic." He said. His words echoed in my head.

I turned and opened the door preparing to run for my life but there was 20 guards there. I looked back and forth trying to find a way out of this situation. My brain was on overload trying to think. I came up with nothing but a head ache to add into this mess.

"Please." I said defeated to my brother.

"That's probably what your victims thought before you killed them. Take her." He told the guards with nothing short of digust on his face.

They grabbed me and I tried to fight for a few minutes but all it was doing was taking down my strength, something I couldn't afford to loose. They put me in a room that was so small I could only take two steps each way and shut the door leaving me in the pitch black room.

The 'doctor' opened the eye slit thing in the door, shinning in my only light sorce. "We'll see you in... well you know what? I'm not going to tell you." And he shut it. Leaving me completely and utterly alone in the dark, small room. Nothing to keep me company but my wild thoughts.

Noah POV

I saw everything Dodge saw up until she said she was Tristan West's sister. I was so shocked I was brought out of her head and snapped back to reality. Things started making sense now. She was the girl that died in the fire from my pack, but it was clearly a set up. She was so close to being home. And she probably didn't even know it. That's why she wanted to see the West family and why they were in danger.

The thing that also shocked me was that Tristan was head of the whole thing.

The look on her face when she thought she saw me made me want to cry, she looked so happy. Then just as quickly so defeated. But she still kept going. My little warrior, I wonder how much she has had to go through and what she was still going through.

"I didn't pull him out!" Yelled Grace. She was arguing with Charlie and Jack, I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't realize Grace was getting verbally abused.

"She didn't pull me out." I told them. "I saw something."

"Do you have a location on where Dodge is?" Asked Charlie as he moved closer to me, forgetting about Grace.

"Yes and no." I told them.

"What does that mean?" Asked Jack.

"It means I know who took Dodge I know who's ahead of the whole thing." I said.

"Who?" Asked Emily, but she could see from my expression it wasn't good.

"Tristan West, Dodge's brother." I told them and the silence after that was deafening.

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