Chapter Fifteen

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"No, please." I slurred as they dragged me, my bare feet on the rough concrete dragging behind me. I killed about half of the 'doctor's' men and I would of killed them all but somebody stuck me with a needle and if I had to venture a guess they put wolfsbane in it, knocking me out cold. I was slowly regaining consciousness, but not fast enough. The men strapped me to a vertical table, it felt like I could fall forward with out the straps. This was new, this was all new. New location, new cages, new restraints, new 'toys'.

I forced my eyes open and the 'doctor' came in wearing a huge smile. "Do you like the set up? It's just for you."

"Go to hell you fucking bastard." I rasped.

My cheek stung as he sliced my cheek with his scapel. "You've been gone to long, you should know not to speak like you're better then I am because you're not." He said.

I laughed, "I am better then you. You're not even worthy of being the dirt under my fucking shoe."

"I don't think you understand your... predicament. Since we now know you're a werewolf we can test your pain tolerance properly. When the building burned down I realized I've been going at this experiment all wrong. I shouldn't be testing humans pain tolerance, but werewolves. So then humans know how to break them." He laughed madly.

"Crazy ass hole." I told him.

"Lets begin shall we? I'm thinking some open heart surgery and maybe some electrical shocks just to see how you react. Next," He stepped closer and touched my head. "I'm going to play around in here." With that He stabed me in the chest with the scapel puling down tearing my flesh open. Not taking the little bit of care he used to, to make sure I didn't die. That's when I realized, he no longer cared in the least if I died. My super healing was trying to keep up with the damage, but he added clamps to both sides of my skin and stretched the skin not allowing it to mend. Blood was pouring out of me. I screamed and tried to get lost in my head, I tried to find my happy place.

For the first time it wasn't with my family. I was in a medow with Emily, Joey, Jack, Charlie, and Noah. We were playing hide and seek and Charlie was it. I was hiding way up in a tree. Looking down at Charlie running around trying to find us. Somebody landed on a branch next to me I turned to see Noah, I smiled and hugged him.

"I found you." He said and hugged me tight.

I looked up at him, "Shhh Noah he'll hear us." He looked so confused.

"Dodge what are you talking about?" He asked.

"Charlie. You don't want to lose do you?" I asked.

He looked about to speak again but I kissed him so he couldn't. It felt, well perfect. His lips moved desperately against mine as if he didn't care if he died from suffication. He pinned me against the tree and kept atracking my mouth. After another minute that felt like ages he pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine, we were both gasping for breath.

I touched his face, "I wish we could do this all day."

Noah shook his head, "Dodge this is a dream and we came here with a jumper." The world shook when he said that.

"Stop it." I told him, I was to desperate to stay and if I knew this was a dream I would wake up.

"Tell me where you are." He grabbedy arms. Except I didn't feel him anymore.

"Ow." I said and looked down and saw my stomach open and bleeding making the world shake again.

"Dodge tell me where you are! We don't have much time!" Noah tried to reason with me.

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