Chapter Eight

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I got dressed in the connected bathroom of the guest room. I looked at myself in the full vanity mirror. I had leather pants on that fit like a second skin, a black tank top, and leather jacket, with high heels, and my famous hobo gloves. My hair cascading down my back with bouncy natural curls.

I've never worn high heels before and it took me a second to get used to them, but thanks to my agility and balance I easily managed.

The thing that really bothered me was the scars on my neck. Would they stare at them? Or worse, would they be scared of me? I shaked those thoughts off, deciding I didn't care. I didn't care what people thought of my scars before and I wasn't starting now.

I made my way to the kitchen following my nose. I smelt bacon and knew I better hurry up before Joey ate it all.

As I went through the entrance of the kitchen everyone was smiling and talking to this unfamilar guy. My wolf growled in my head not liking the intruder.

He was very tall resting at 7 foot, where I rested at a measly 5 and a half feet. He had shaagy black hair, with blue eyes. You could feel the danger around him like a warning sign. I could imagine girls flocking around him because of it. I didn't see the appeal, I'm the definition of dangerous, I kill without remorse, I've been tortured so much that I don't even laugh for the right reasons anymore, and I have people after me that wouldn't only kill anybody that got in there way but would happily kill anybody that means an inkling to me. To say I was 'dangerous' was an understatement.

I walked around the crowding people to where Joey was about to eat the last piece of bacon. I snatched it out of his hands as I made my way out the back door. I heard a faint, "Are you trying to starve me!" From Joey.

I knew my family would be fine, Jack was related to them, he wouldn't let anything happen to them.

I finished the bacon and sat down on the small bridge above the stream about 50 feet from the pack house.

The real question was, why am I still here? I should be getting a new identity, getting as far away from my family as possible. But I'm still here, which if yesterday proved anything, wasn't safe anymore.

Maybe it's because we actually like them. My wolf said, almost softly like if she said it, the rug would be pulled out from under us.

No, we can't. I said.

Why not? She huffed.

Because we can't stay.

But I want to. She cried.

I didn't say I didn't want to, I said we can't.

With that my wolf faded to the back of my mind.

I was in Michigan and I needed to head into town to get a fake passport and papers. Then I would need to travel to the most isolated place and I guess hide out until I figured out a way to stop the humans. I was always better by my self anyways.

I got up, took off my shoes, and started running into town. I didn't shift, though it would be faster, I wanted to clear my head and keep my clothes.

When I finally made it I went to a pay phone and pushed in a phone number I only called one other time but memorized it. It was this guy, named Rick, that I've heard of from Nick. The humans abducted a military guy, he told me when I got out of there to call a number and tell them Nick sent me and he would help me start over. He was killed the next day for trying to escape. He wasn't as dire to the project as I was.

The day I escaped for those few hours I called him and we were supposed to meet, but I got caught before we ever did.

"Who is this." The rough voice said from the other line.

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