Chapter Twenty One

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Okay I know it's been forever and a day and I'm sorry but listen to my crazy schedule first before you judge.

All Enriched Classes, which means I have home work from each subject EVERY NIGHT.

Swimming which is in the morning and afternoon. And we have meets on the weekend and in the middle of the week.

Art Club, my only stress reliever. I am not giving it up.

Working out twice a week and I'm taking a self defense class once a week.

Key Club which is kind of like student council but not. We do a lot of fund raisers and community service.

ROTC which is always fun :)

And a best friend to juggle.

So thanks for your patience!


"You killed me." Tristan said.

"I didn't know what I was doing." I tried to explain.

"You killed me, your own brother. Do you feel any guilt?" He said walking towards me.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"No you don't. Deep down you feel no guilt. And that's what your guilty about." He said backing me up against a brick wall.

"That isn't true." I whispered.

"So if you got to do it all over again, you would of what? Saved me?" He asked venom leeking into his voice.

"I-" I didn't know what to say.

"Exactly. So my question is, if you can't feel guilty about killing your own brother what makes you think you're capable of love? It's only a matter of time before lover boy finds that out to." He asked. I just stood there. "Oh right, he doesn't love you. He sees you for what you really are, a monster. He never loved you." He said spitting in my face.

My throat was stuck together. It was true. He didn't love me.

"Now you will feel my pain." He stepped back. A cage dropped down around me. He sprayed me with lighter fluid.

"Tristan! Tristan stop please! You don't have to do this!" I choked, my eyes burning.

"But I'm a decent human being, I can't let you live. Who knows who you might kill like that guy at the bar." He said and pulled out a box of matches. "Do you know what it's like to burn alive? Well I do, you're flesh feels like it's melting off and it burns so bad that you would rather comit sucide, then the smoke goes through your lungs burning you from the inside out. The pain feels endless. And now you will know the hopelessness I felt. But first a surprise." He said before he jammed a needle in my arm, injecting me with something purple.

"You're a bastard." I said.

"Yet you're the one getting lit on fire. Did you know witches got burnt at the stake because the people believed them to be monsters. Fitting isn't it?" He asked.

"It's only fitting if you're getting burnt. You don't know me!" I screamed shaking the bars of my cage.

He lit the match and threw at me. I started screaming patting myself trying to get it out. "Oh but I do. Don't you get it yet this is all a dream. I'm in your head." He tapped his forehead.

I kept screaming and patting myself but it seemed to only make it worse. I was praying to god to end it now.

"Dodge!" I heard somebody yell but I didn't know or care who it was. I was dieing and I didn't know what to do.

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