Chapter Seven

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I was fading in and out of conciousness. I was on a table and I saw somebody with a needle and thread. I was hooked up to so many machines and IV's. I saw Emily above me asking... Charlie? I don't know, everything was so fuzzy.

Emily continued to stroke my hair out of my face. She was talking, but not to me. "Do you have to do this? I mean cut off her flesh?" She asked Charlie.

My eyes heavly went to Charlie, "Yes the flesh is dead and infected this is the only way she'll heal, trust me I've done this before."

That's when everything went south. I closed my eyes for a moment but then I felt this pain in my stomach so I looked to Charlie he had a scapel in his hands.

With all the drugs running through my system my brain couldn't separate reality and the past. And my wolf was dulled out so I couldn't use her advanced senses to smell where I was.

I sat up and took the scapel from the 'doctor's' hand quickly turning it towards him to stab him in the eye, but he fought back holding my arm trying to prevent his eye from being stabbed. I let my claws scratch anything they could touch.

I felt hands on me as they pulled me down. I started to scream, "No! I didn't do anything! I don't deserve this! Please!! Stop! Stop!" I felt the restraints on my arms and legs. I tried fighting against them in the hope that I might get free. "I escaped! I was free! I was free! Just let me go!" I squirmed harder.

I heard somebody yell over my screaming, "I thought you drugged her!"

"I did! She should be in a coma by now!" The 'doctor' said.

"Please don't! I just want to go home!" I started yelling. "Please just let me go home! I don't want to be an experiment anymore!" In the first time in years I began to sob. Big ugly ones. "I escaped! Just let me go home!" I hiccuped. "I want to see my family one more time!" With desperation dripping from my voice, "Please just let me go home!"

There was no movement or noises for a moment and I thought I have finally talked them into letting me go. "Here let me try this, it could kill her though." I heard him say.

"Please!" I screamed. I was crying so hard I didn't know what to do. Those wolves must have taken me stright to the humans.

"Do it!" I heard a girl screech as I started to get out of there grip again.

I was suddenly enveloped by darkness for the second time.


I blinked my eyes slowly opened. I looked around I wasn't in a cell? I was back in the guest bedroom. I saw a glass of water on the night stand I went to grab it but pain shot through me. I looked at my stomach to see it stitched up, another scar to add to my collection.

That's when everything came back. Me almost killing Charlie who wasn't trying to experiment on me. Me definitely scratching some people. Me screaming things that are better left in my boxed up heart made of steel. And worst of all, me crying in front of them all.

How could I do that?! Three years ago I promised I would never cry again, and I've kept that promise up until this point. "Damnit!" I yelled throwing the lamp into the wall so hard there was a hole.

It's okay. My wolf soothed me.

No it's not. It wasn't okay. They knew things now, they thought they knew me now. I would get treated with nothing but pity. Worst of all now they thought I was fragile. I wasn't fragile, I turned my pain into something useful, it made me strong.

I got up, out of bed ignoring the pain in my stomach, it was easy enough, I've had years of practice with pain.

I heard somebody running down the hall. I quickly looked down at myself to see myself wearing shorts short and and a huge T-Shirt.

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